PowerPoint ²³ø
PowerPoint ²³ø
What is Visual Secret Sharing(VSS) Scheme ?(Conventional Secret Sharing Scheme )
What is Visual Secret Sharing(VSS) Scheme ?(The Basic VSS Scheme Model)
What is Visual Secret Sharing(VSS) Scheme ?(Types of VSS Schemes )
What is Visual Secret Sharing(VSS) Scheme ?(The Best Example to Understand (2, 2) VSS Scheme )
PowerPoint ²³ø
PowerPoint ²³ø
PowerPoint ²³ø
What is Visual Secret Sharing(VSS) Scheme ?(VSS Scheme : It is a HOT Topic)
What is Visual Secret Sharing(VSS) Scheme ?(A Cryptographic Technique with a lot of Fun; However practical use for visual authentication )
PowerPoint ²³ø
PowerPoint ²³ø
Visual Authentication Scheme through Internet (Model and Description for Dynamic Password Visual Authentication)
Visual Authentication Scheme through Internet (The Authentication Process)
PowerPoint ²³ø
Against Peeping
PowerPoint ²³ø
PowerPoint ²³ø
PowerPoint ²³ø
PowerPoint ²³ø
PowerPoint ²³ø
Many-Times Method for Authentication
Many-Times Method for Authentication(using (1„_ n) VSS scheme)
PowerPoint ²³ø
PowerPoint ²³ø
PowerPoint ²³ø
PowerPoint ²³ø
PowerPoint ²³ø
§@ªÌ:Plant Department