´X­Ó­«­n±K½X¾ÇÆ[©À 1.¹ïºÙª÷Æ_(Symmetric Key)±K½X¨t²Î 2. «D¹ïºÙª÷Æ_(Asymmetric Key)±K½X¨t²Î©ÎºÙ§@¤½¶}ª÷Æ_ (Public Key) 3.¼Æ¦ìñ³¹(Digital Signature) 4. ©ã½X(Message Authentication Code ; MAC)




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´X­Ó­«­n±K½X¾ÇÆ[©À 1.¹ïºÙª÷Æ_(Symmetric Key)±K½X¨t²Î 2. «D¹ïºÙª÷Æ_(Asymmetric Key)±K½X¨t²Î©ÎºÙ§@¤½¶}ª÷Æ_ (Public Key) 3.¼Æ¦ìñ³¹(Digital Signature) 4. ©ã½X(Message Authentication Code ; MAC)

´X­Ó­«­n±K½X¾ÇÆ[©À ¶Ç²Î«O±K¨t²Î©ÎºÙ§@¹ïºÙª÷Æ_(Symmetric Key)±K½X¨t²Î

AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) and Triple-DES (X.52)

Comparison of Different Forms of DES Multiple Encryption

´X­Ó­«­n±K½X¾ÇÆ[©À «D¹ïºÙª÷Æ_(Asymmetric Key)±K½X¨t²Î©ÎºÙ§@¤½¶}ª÷Æ_

RSA (Rivest -Shamir-Adleman )

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PowerPoint ²³ø

PowerPoint ²³ø

PowerPoint ²³ø

MD5 Âø´ê¨ç¼Æ(Hash Function)»P¼Æ¦ìñ³¹

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PowerPoint ²³ø

´X­Ó­«­n±K½X¾ÇÆ[©À «H°Uª÷Æ_Key Escrow System (KES)

¹q¤l°Ó°È : SET ²¤¶

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PowerPoint ²³ø

PowerPoint ²³ø

PowerPoint ²³ø

E-mail Security in Internet : Introduction to PGP

PGP Cryptographic functions

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PowerPoint ²³ø

PowerPoint ²³ø

PowerPoint ²³ø

PowerPoint ²³ø

PowerPoint ²³ø

What is Visual Secret Sharing(VSS) Scheme ? (Conventional Secret Sharing Scheme )

What is Visual Secret Sharing(VSS) Scheme ? (The Basic VSS Scheme Model)

What is Visual Secret Sharing(VSS) Scheme ? (Types of VSS Schemes )

What is Visual Secret Sharing(VSS) Scheme ? (The Best Example to Understand (2, 2) VSS Scheme )

Authentication One-Time Password

The Proposed Visual Authentication Scheme through Internet (Model and Description for Dynamic Password Visual Authentication)

Apply VSS for Visual Authentication through Internet (The Authentication Process of The Proposed Scheme)

The Proposed Visual Authentication Scheme through Internet (The Proposed Scheme can be Modified to be Secure Against Peeping)

Many-Times Method for Authentication (The Proposed Scheme is Perfect Secure if We just Login to the Server One Time)

Many-Times Method for Authentication (Noar-Pinkas Many-Times Method)

Many-Times Method for Authentication (Yang-Laih (1„_ n) VSS scheme)

The Proposed Hierarchical (k, k) VSS Scheme (The basic principle of our hierarchical scheme)

The Proposed Hierarchical (k, k) VSS Scheme (EXAMPLE : A Two-Layer (4, 4) Scheme )

The Proposed Hierarchical (k, k) VSS Scheme (Different implementation structures considering the listed)


Soft Hierarchical Scheme ((k, n) scheme can also be implemented by hierarchical construction method)

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PowerPoint ²³ø

PowerPoint ²³ø

VSS : A Cryptographic Technique with a lot of Fun

Recent Research Topic Audio Secret Sharing Scheme

Recent Research Topic VSSS + Watermark

§@ªÌ:c.n. Yang