Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering |
Email address: cnyang@gms.ndhu.edu.tw | |||
Phone: +886-3-8905025
Resume of Professor James C.N. Yang (james_resume.pdf) ResearchGate: (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ching-Nung_Yang) Google Scholar: (https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=EN&user=-eHBsagAAAAJ) Research.com: (https://research.com/u/ching-nung-yang) |
國立交通大學電信工程系 (民國68年9月~民國72年7月)
國立交通大學電信研究所碩士 (民國72年9月~民國74年7月)
國立成功大學電機研究所博士 (民國82年9月~民國86年12月
密碼學 資訊與網路安全 編碼理論 目前研究題目方向: (1) 視覺式的秘密分享技術 (2) 影像秘密分享技術 (3) 資訊隱藏 (4) 數位浮水印技術 (5) 數位多媒體安全 (6) 區塊鏈技術 (7) 無線網路安全 (8) 電子商務安全 (9) 量子密碼 (10) 計算機記憶體編碼
(1) "中央健康保險局南區分局醫療費用連線申報電子簽章雛型系統", 協同主持人 (2) "階層式架構的視覺式秘密分享技術", 計畫主持人(89年度) (3) "視覺式(包含多重秘密、高畫質、動態影像)及聽覺式秘密分享技術之研究", 計畫主持人(89年度) (4) "子圖片大小不擴張以及子圖片檔案具有錯誤更正與檢測能力的視覺式秘密分享技術之研究", 計畫主持人 (90年度) (5) "可寫一次光碟防竄改保護技術之研究", 計畫主持人(91年度) (6) "不變動IV及秘密金鑰長度下讓IEEE 802.11b無線網路抵抗 keystream 重複使用攻擊以及RC4破密之研究", 計畫主持人 (92年度) (7) "台灣學術網路北區不當資訊防制計畫-高速網路下提高不當資訊偵測成功率技術之研究", 計畫主持人(92.4.~ 94.12.) (8) "環狀被動光纖網路上量子密鑰交換協定之研究", 計畫主持人(92.12.~ 93.10.) (9) "NICI IPv6計畫-IPv6網路之安全性系統之開發研究", 協同計畫主持人( 93.1.~ 93.12.) (10) "高性能與多功能的WebGrid系統的設計與製作-WebGrid下的安全服務(1/2)", 計畫主持人(93年度) (11) "高性能與多功能的WebGrid系統的設計與製作-WebGrid下的安全服務(2/2)", 計畫主持人(94年度) (12) "植基於JAVA智慧卡上的手機仿真器憑證申請系統", 計畫主持人(94年度) (13) "植基於光學字元辨識與多重像素擴張的高實用性視覺式秘密分享系統之研製", 計畫主持人(95年度) (14) "嵌入指紋特徵比對技術於智慧卡的高安全性憑證存取系統之研製", 計畫主持人(95年度) (15) "應用視覺式秘密分享技術將私密資料嵌入二維條碼系統之研製", 計畫主持人(96年度) (16) "應用RFID技術於校園電腦教室之滑鼠使用權限與網際網路存取控管", 計畫主持人(96年度) (17) "結合RFID技術(電子通道)與二維條碼技術(光接觸通道)的兩種新型RFID應用系統研製: (1)防追蹤之產品保證書機制 (2)高安全性之紙鈔防衛機制", 多年期計畫主持人(97、98年度) (18) "產業交易安全環境評估與推動研究", 工研院計畫98年4月-98年11月, 計畫主持人 (19) "具有多樣性解碼功能的秘密影像分享機制之研究", 計畫主持人(99年度) (20) "具數位版權管理的線上圖庫使用之電子分期付費機制", 計畫主持人(99年度) (21) "適用於分散式網路的秘密影像分享機制之研究", 計畫主持人(100年度) (22) "以機率式視覺密碼研究隨機網格影像技術的建置", 計畫主持人(101年度) (23) "多區域累進式視覺密碼技術的研究", 多年期計畫主持人(102、103年度) (24) "植基於GCM技術適合銀髮族使用之處方箋、用藥說明、醫療資訊的Android訊息推播APP設計", 計畫主持人(102年度) (25) "增強 Google Map 圖形密碼系統安全的研究", 計畫主持人(103年度) (26) "新式布林運算型態視覺密碼的理論與實際應用之研究", 計畫主持人(104年度) (27) "結合資料隱藏與視覺密碼的應用研究", 多年期計畫主持人(105、106年度) (28) "視覺密碼技術在智慧型手機上的認證- 技術與應用", 計畫主持人(107年度) (29) "局部卷積神經網路在多項式秘密影像分享的應用", 多年期計畫主持人(108、109年度) (30) "機率式彩色子影像黑白秘密的視覺密碼研究 ", 計畫主持人(109年度) (31) "改進具錯誤更正之視覺密碼的信息攜帶量和解碼複雜度以應用於雙重解碼功能機制 ", 多年期計畫主持人(110、111年度) (32) "植基於改錯碼具有評估和克服參與者不誠實的秘密影像分享機制", 多年期計畫主持人(112、113年度) |
Publications :
(A) 期刊論文: (Use 2023 Impact Factor from Journal Citation Reports)
001. L. Xiong, R. Ding, C.N. Yang, and Z. Fu, "Invertible Secret Image Sharing with Authentication for Embedding Color Palette Image into True Color Image," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (doi: 10.1109/TCSVT.2024.3413024) published online June, 2024. [SCI 5-year IF: 7.1]. 002. H. Chen, L. Xiong, and C.N. Yang, "Progressive secret image sharing based on Boolean operations and Polynomial Interpolations," Multimedia Systems, Vol. 30, Article: 189, June, 2024. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.1]. 003. L. Xiong, J. Xu, C.N. Yang, and X. Zhang, "CMCF-Net: An End-to-End Context Multiscale Cross-Fusion Network for Robust Copy-Move Forgery Detection," IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, Vol. 26, pp. 6090-6101, April, 2024. [SCI 5-year IF: 8.0]. 004. C.N. Yang, P. Li, H.H. Cheng, H.C. Kuo, M.C. Lu, and L. Xiong, "A Security Model of Multihospital FHIR Database Authorization Based on Secret Sharing and Blockchain," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. 11, pp. 10325-10335, Mar., 2024. [SCI 5-year IF: 9.0]. 005. L. Xiong, X. Han, C.N. Yang, and Y.Q. Shi, "Reversible Data Hiding in Shared Images with Separate Cover Image Reconstruction and Secret Extraction," IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, Vol. 12, pp. 186-199, Jan.-Mar., 2024. [SCI 5-yearIF: 4.6]. 006. J. Huang, Q. Cui, Z. Zhou, K. Yu, C.N. Yang, and K.K. Choo, "Encrypted Domain Secret Medical-Image Sharing with Secure Outsourcing Computation in IoT Environment," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. 11, pp. 2382-2393, Jan., 2024. [SCI 5-year IF: 9.0]. 007. Z. Zhou, Y. Wan, Q. Cu, K. Yu, S. Mumtaz, C.N. Yang, and M. Guizani, "Blockchain-Based Secure and Efficient Secret Image Sharing with Outsourcing Computation in Wireless Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 23, pp. 423-435, Jan., 2024. [SCI 5-year IF: 8.6]. 008. C.N. Yang, X. Wu, and M.J. Chung, "Enhancement of Information Carrying and Decoding for Visual Cryptography with Error Correction," ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications, Vol. 20, Issue 1, Article No.: 23, pp. 1-24, Jan., 2024. [SCI 5-year IF: 4.9]. 009. L. Xiong, M. Zhang, C.N. Yang, and C. Kim, "An enhanced AMBTC for Color Image Compression Using Color Palette," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 83, pp. 31783-31803, Jan., 2024.[SCI 5-year IF: 2.9]. 010. C. Kim, C.N. Yang, Z. Zhou, and K. Jung, "Dual Efficient Reversible Data Hiding Using Hamming Code and OPAP," Journal of Information Security and Applications, Vol. 76, Article 103544, Aug., 2023. [SCI 5-year IF: 4.2]. 011. L. Xiong, X. Han, C.N. Yang, and X. Zhang, " Reversible Data Hiding in Shared Images based on Syndrome Decoding and Homomorphism," IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, Vol. 11, pp. 3085-3098, July-Sept., 2023. [SCI 5-year IF: 4.6]. 012. X. Wu, C.N. Yang, H.W. Cai, and Y.X. Liu, "A Hybrid Approach Combining Data Hiding with Visual Cryptography for Secure Extraction of Data Hiding," Journal of Information Security and Applications, Vol. 75, Article 103520, June, 2023. [SCI 5-year IF: 4.2]. 013. C.N. Yang, C.E. Zheng, M.C. Lu, and X. Wu, "Secret Image Sharing by Using Multi-Prime Modular Arithmetic," Signal Processing, Vol. 205, Article 108882, April, 2023.[SCI 5-year IF: 3.8] . 014. C.N. Yang, P. Li, and H.C. Kuo, "(k, n) Secret Image Sharing Scheme with Privileged Set," Journal of Information Security and Applications, Vol. 73, Article 103413, Mar., 2023. [SCI 5-yearIF: 4.2]. 015. L. Xiong, X. Han, X. Zhong, C.N. Yang, and N. Xiong, " RSIS: A Secure and Reliable Secret Image Sharing System based on Extended Hamming Codes in Industrial Internet of Things ," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 1933-1945, Feb., 2023.[SCI 5-year IF: 9.0]. 016. L. Xiong, X. Han, C.N. Yang, and Z. Xia, "RDH-DES: Reversible Data Hiding over Distributed Encrypted-Image Servers based on Secret Sharing," ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications, Vol. 19, Issue 1, Article No.: 5, pp. 1-19, Jan., 2023[SCI 5-year IF: 4.9]. 017. Y. Sun, C.N. Yang, X. Yan, Y. Lu, and L.Sun, "Robust Secret Image Sharing Scheme Resistance to Maliciously Tampered Shadows by AMBTC and Quantization," Gene Expression Patterns, Vol. 45, Article 119267, Sep., 2022. [SCI 5-year IF: 1.0]. 018. Z. Wang, L. Liao, R. Meng, C.N. Yang, Z. Zhou, and H. Yang, "Verification Grid and Map Slipping Based Graphical Password against Shoulder-Surfing Attacks," Security and Communication Networks, Volume 2022, Article ID 6778755, April, 2022. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.079]. 019. C.N. Yang, X. Wu, M.J. Chung, and X. Zhang, "AMBTC-based Secret Image Sharing by Simple Modular Arithmetic," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 84, Article 103482, April, 2022. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.4]. 020. L. Xiong, X. Han, C.N. Yang, and Y.Q. Shi, "Robust Reversible Watermarking in Encrypted Image with Secure Multi-party based on Lightweight Cryptography," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 32, pp. 75-91, Jan., 2022. [SCI 5-year IF: 7.1]. 021. C.N. Yang, C.L. Kao, and C.J. Wang, "Two-dimensional Diagonal Layer Hash Chain Based Key Pre-Distribution Scheme," Journal of Information Security and Applications, Vol. 63, Article 103038, Dec., 2021. [SCI 5-year IF: 4.2]. 022. Z. Zhou, W. Pan, Q.M. Wu, C.N. Yang, and Z, Lv, "Geometric Rectification-Based Neural Network Architecture for Image Manipulation Detection," International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Vol. 36, Issue12, pp. 6993-7016, Dec., 2021. [SCI 5-year IF: 5.9]. 023. C.N. Yang, P.Y. Tsai, and Y.X. Liu, "A (k, n) Secret Document Sharing with Meaningful Shares," Journal of Information Security and Applications, Vol. 62, Article 102973, Nov., 2021. [SCI 5-year IF: 4.2]. 024. Z. Zhou, M. Wang, C.N. Yang, Z. Fu, X. Sun, and Q.M. Wu, "Blockchain-based Decentralized Reputation System in E-commerce Environment," Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 124, pp.155-167, Nov., 2021. [SCI 5-year IF: 5.9]. 025. C. Kim, C.N. Yang, J. Baek, and L. Leng, "Survey on Data Hiding Based on Block Truncation Coding," Applied Sciences, Vol. 11, Issue 19, 9209 (doi: 10.3390/app11199209), Oct., 2021. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.7]. 026. C.N. Yang, X. Wu, H.Y. Lin, and C. Kim, "Intragroup and intergroup secret image sharing based on homomorphic Lagrange interpolation," Journal of Information Security and Applications, Vol. 61, Article 102910, Sep., 2021. [SCI 5-year IF: 4.2]. 027. L. Xiong, X. Han, and C.N. Yang, "CP-PSIS: CRT and Polynomial-based Progressive Secret Image Sharing," Signal Processing, Vol. 185, Article 108064, Aug., 2021. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.8]. 028. X. Yan, Y. Lu, C.N. Yang, X. Zhang, and S. Wang, "A Common Method of Share Authentication in Image Secret Sharing," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 31, pp. 2896-2908, July, 2021. [SCI 5-year IF: 7.1]. 029. Y.X. Liu, C.N. Yang, and Q. Sun, "Thresholds Based Image Extraction Schemes in Big Data Environment in Intelligent Traffic Management," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 22, pp. 3952-3960, July, 2021. [SCI 5-year IF: 8.3]. 030. C.N. Yang and Y.Y. Yang, "On the Analysis and Design of Visual Cryptography with Error Correcting Capability," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 31, pp. 2465-2479, June, 2021. [SCI 5-year IF: 7.1]. 031. C. Kim, D. Shin, C.N. Yang, and L. Leng, "Data Hiding Method for Color AMBTC Compressed Images Using Color Difference," Applied Sciences, Vol. 11, Issue 8, 3418 (doi: 10.3390/app11083418), April, 2021. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.7]. 032. L. Xiong, X. Zhong, C.N. Yang, and X. Han, "Transform Domain-based Invertible and Lossless Secret Image Sharing with Authentication," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 16, pp. 2912-2925, Mar., 2021. [SCI 5-year IF: 7.3]. 033. X. Wu, C.N. Yang, and J.M. Li, "Secure Image Secret Sharing over Distributed Cloud Network," Signal Processing, Vol. 178, Article 107768, Jan., 2021. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.8]. 034. C. Kim and C.N. Yang, "Self-Embedding Fragile Watermarking Scheme to Detect Image Tampering Using AMBTC and OPAP Approaches," Applied Sciences, Vol. 11, Issue 3, 1146 (doi: 10.3390/app11031146 ), Jan., 2021. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.7].. 035. C.N. Yang, Y.C. Lin, and P. Li, "Cheating Immune k-out-of-n Block-based Progressive Visual Cryptography," Journal of Information Security and Applications, Vol. 55, Article 102660, Dec., 2020. [SCI 5-year IF: 4.2]. 036. C.N. Yang, Y.C. Chou, T.K. Chang, and C. Kim, "An Enhanced Adaptive Block Truncation Coding with Edge Quantization Scheme," Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, Issue 20, 7340 (doi: 10.3390/app10207340), Oct., 2020. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.7]. 037. X. Wu, C.N. Yang, and Y.W. Liu "A General Framework for Partial Reversible Data Hiding using Hamming Code," Signal Processing, Vol. 175, Article 107657, Oct., 2020. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.8]. 038. C. Kim, D. Shin, C.N. Yang, and L. Leng, "Hybrid Data Hiding Based on AMBTC Using Enhanced Hamming Code," Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, Issue 15, 5336 (doi: 10.3390/app10155336), Aug., 2020. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.7]. 039. L. Xiong. X. Zhong, and C.N. Yang, "DWT-SISA: a secure and effective Discrete Wavelet Transform-based Secret Image Sharing with Authentication" Signal Processing, Vol. 173, Article 107571, Aug., 2020. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.8]. 040. X. Wu, C.N. Yang, and Y.Y. Yang, "Sharing and Hiding a Secret Image in Color Palette Images with Authentication," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 79, pp. 25657-25677, July, 2020. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.9]. 041. X. Wu and C.N. Yang, "Probabilistic Color Visual Cryptography Schemes for Black and White Secret Images" Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 70, Article 102793, July, 2020. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.4]. 042. X. Wu, C.N. Yang, and Y.W. Liu, "High Capacity Partial Reversible Data Hiding by Hamming Code," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 79, pp. 23425-23444, June, 2020. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.9]. 043. C. Kim, C.N. Yang, and L. Leng, "High-Capacity Data Hiding for ABTC-EQ Based Compressed Image," Electronics, Vol. 9, 644, April, 2020. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.6] 044. Z. Zhou, K. Lin, Y. Cao, C.N. Yang, and Y. Liu, "Near-Duplicate Image Detection System Using Coarse-to-Fine Matching Scheme Based on Global and Local CNN Features," Mathematics, 8(4), 644 (doi: 10.3390/math8040644), April, 2020. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.2] 045. X. Wu, C.N. Yang, and Y.Y. Yang, "A Hybrid Scheme for Enhancing Recovered Image Quality in Polynomial Based Secret Image Sharing by Modify-and-Recalculate Strategy," Journal of Information Security and Applications, Vol. 51, Article 102452, April, 2020. [SCI 5-year IF: 4.2]. 046. Z. Zhou, C.N. Yang, C. Kim, S. Cimato, "Introduction to the Special Issue on Deep Learning for Real‑Time Information Hiding and Forensics," Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, Vol. 17, pp. 1-5, Jan., 2020. [SCI 5-year IF: 1.9]. 047. Y.X. Liu, C.N. Yang, Q. Sun, and Y.C. Chen, "(k, n) Scalable Secret Image Sharing with Multiple Decoding Options," Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 219-228, 2020. [SCI 5-year IF: 1.5]. 048. C. Kim, D. Shin, and C.N. Yang, "High Capacity Data Hiding with Absolute Moment Block Truncation Coding Image Based on Interpolation," Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Vol. 17(1), pp. 160-178, 2020. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.3]. 049. C. Kim, D. Shin, C.N. Yang, Y.C. Chen, and S.Y. Wu, "Data Hiding Using Sequential Hamming+k with m Overlapped Pixels," KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 13, No. 12, pp. 6159-6174, Dec., 2019. [SCI 5-year IF: 0.9]. 050. Z. Zhou, C.N. Yang, S.R. Cai, and D. Wang, "Boolean Operation Based Visual Cryptography," IEEE Access, Vol. 7, Issue 1, pp. 165496-165508, Nov., 2019. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.7]. 051. Z. Zhou, C.N. Yang, Y. Yang, and X. Sun, "Polynomial-Based Google Map Graphical Password System against Shoulder-Surfing Attacks in Cloud Environment," Complexity, Vol. 2019, Article ID 2875676 (doi: 10.1155/2019/2875l676), Nov. 2019. [SCI 5-year IF: 1.7]. 052. X. Wu and C.N. Yang, "Invertible Secret Image Sharing with Steganography and Authentication for AMBTC Compressed Images", Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 78, pp. 437-447, Oct. 2019. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.3]. 053. Y.X. Liu, C.N. Yang, Q. Sun, S.Y. Wu, S.S. Lin, and Y.S. Chou, "Enhanced Embedding Capacity for the SMSD-based Data-hiding Method", Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 78, pp. 216-222, Oct. 2019. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.3]. 054. X. Wu and C.N. Yang, "Partial Reversible AMBTC-based Secret Image Sharing with Steganography," Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 93, pp. 22-33, Oct. 2019. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.9]. 055. Z. Fu, F. Huang, X. Sun, A. Vasilakos, and C.N. Yang, “Enabling Semantic Search based on Conceptual Graphs over Encrypted Outsourced Data,” IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 813-823, Sep. 2019. [SCI 5-year IF: 5.9]. 056. W.J. Liu, Y. Xu, C.N. Yang, W.B. Yu, and L. Chi, "Privacy-Preserving Quantum Two-Party Geometric Intersection," CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol. 60, pp. 1237-1250, 2019. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.0]. 057. Z. Zhou, J. Chen, C.N. Yang, and X. Sun, "Video Copy Detection Using Spatio-Temporal CNN Features," IEEE Access, Vol. 7, pp. 100658-100665, Aug., 2019. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.7]. 058. C.N. Yang, Q. Sun, Y.X. Liu, and C.M. Wu, "A n-out-of-n Sharing Digital Image Scheme by Using Color Palette," Electronics, Vol. 8, Issue 7, 802, July, 2019. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.6]. 059. C. Kim, D. Shin, C.N. Yang, and Y.S.Chou "Generalizing Hamming+k Data Hiding by Overlapped Pixels," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 78, pp. 17995-18015, July, 2019. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.9]. 060. J. Chen, Z. Zhou, Z. Pan, and C.N. Yang, “Instance Retrieval Using Region of Interest Based CNN Features,” Journal of New Media, Vol.1, No. 2, pp.87-99, 2019. 061. C.N. Yang, S.Y. Wu, Y.S.Chou, and C. Kim, "Enhanced Stego-Image Quality and Embedding Capacity for the Partial Reversible Data Hiding Scheme," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 78, pp. 18595-18616, July, 2019. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.9]. 062. Y.X. Liu, C.N. Yang, C.M.Wu, Q. Sun, and W. Bi, "Threshold Changeable Secret Image Sharing Scheme Based on Interpolation Polynomial," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 78, pp. 18653-18667, July, 2019. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.9]. 063. C.N. Yang, Y.S. Chou, Y.X. Liu, and C. Kim, "Exploiting Error Control in Matrix Coding-based Data Hiding Over Lossy Channel," Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, Vol. 16, Issue 3, pp. 577–588, June, 2019. [SCI 5-year IF: 1.9]. 064. Y.X. Liu, Y.Z. Zhang, and C.N. Yang, "Reducing File Size and Time Complexity in Secret Sharing Based Document Protection," Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Vol. 16(5): pp. 4802-4817, May, 2019. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.3]. 065. J.Y. Lee, C. Kim, and C.N. Yang, "Reversible Data Hiding Using Inter-Component Prediction in Multiview Video Plus Depth," Electronics, Vol. 8, Issue 5,514, May 2019. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.6]. 066. X. Wu and C.N. Yang, "A Combination of Color-Black-and-White Visual Cryptography and Polynomial Based Secret Image Sharing" Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 61, pp. 74-84, May 2019. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.4]. 067. Y.X. Liu, C.N. Yang, and Q. Sun "Enhance Embedding Capacity for Switch Map Based Multi-group EMD Data Hiding," Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Vol. 16(5): pp. 3382-3392, April, 2019. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.3]. 068. Z. Pan, C.N. Yang, V.S. Sheng, N. Xiong, and W. Meng, "Machine Learning for Wireless Multimedia Data Security," Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 2019, Article ID 7682306, 2 pages, April, 2019. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.079]. 069. X. Wu, D, Chen, C.N. Yang, and Y.Y. Yang, "A (k,n) Threshold Partial Reversible AMBTC-based Visual Cryptography Using One Reference Image" Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 59, pp. 550-562, Feb., 2019. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.4]. 070. C.N. Yang, C.C. Wu, and Y.C. Lin "k out of n Region-Based Progressive Visual Cryptography," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 29, pp. 252-262, Jan., 2019. [SCI 5-year IF: 7.1]. 071. Z. Wu, Y.N. Liu, D. Wang, and C.N. Yang "An Efficient Essential Secret Image Sharing Scheme Using Derivative Polynomial," Symmetry, Vol. 11 Issue 1, 69, Jan., 2019. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.3]. 072. C. Kim, D. Shin, L. Leng, and C.N. Yang, "Separable Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Halftone Image," Displays, Vol. 55, pp. 71-79, Dec., 2018. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.4]. 073. W.J. Liu, P.P. Gao, W.B. Yu, Z.G. Ou, and C.N. Yang, "Quantum Relief Algorithm," Quantum Information Processing, Vol. 17, Issue 10: 280, Oct., 2018. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.1]. 074. Y.X. Liu, C.N. Yang, Y.S. Chou, S.Y. Wu, and Q. Sun, "Progressive (k,n) Secret Image Sharing Scheme with Meaningful Shadow Images by GEMD and RGEMD," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 55, pp. 766-777, Aug., 2018. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.4]. 075. C.N. Yang, F.H. Wu, and S.L. Peng, "Enhancing Multi-factor Cheating Prevention in Visual Cryptography Based Minimum (k, n)-connected Graph," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 55, pp. 660-676, Aug., 2018. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.4]. 076. Y.X. Liu, C.N. Yang, S.Y. Wu, and Y.S. Chou, "Progressive (k, n) Secret Image Sharing Schemes Based on Boolean Operations and Covering Codes", Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 66, pp. 77-86, Aug., 2018. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.3]. 077. X. Wu, C.N. Yang, Y.T. Zhuang, and S.C. Hsu, "Improving Recovered Image Quality in Secret Image Sharing by Simple Modular Arithmetic", Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 66, pp. 42-49, Aug., 2018. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.3]. 078. Y.X. Liu, C.N. Yang, Y. Wang, L. Zhu, and W. Ji, "Cheating Identifiable Secret Sharing Scheme Using Symmetric Bivariate Polynomial", Information Sciences, Vol. 453, pp. 21–29, July, 2018. [SCI 2-year IF: 8.1]. 079. P. Li, Z. Liu, and C.N. Yang, "A Construction Method of (t, k, n)-Essential Secret Image Sharing Scheme," Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 65, pp. 210-220, July, 2018. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.3]. 080. Y. Cao, Z. Zhou, C.N. Yang, and X. Sun, "Dynamic Content Selection Framework Applied to Coverless Information Hiding," Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 1179-1186, July, 2018. [SCI 5-year IF: 0.8]. 081. C. Kim, D. Shin, C.N. Yang, and Y.S. Chou, "Improving Capacity of Hamming (n, k)+1 Stego-code by Using Optimized Hamming+k," Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 78, pp.284-293, July 2018. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.9]. 082. Y.X. Liu, Q. Sun, and C.N. Yang, "(k,n) Secret Image Sharing Scheme Capable of Cheating Detection," EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Article number: 72, April, 2018. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.2]. 083. Z. Zhou, C.N. Yang, Y. Cao, and X. Sun, "Secret Image Sharing based on Encrypted Pixels," IEEE Access, Vol. 6, pp. 15021-15025, Mar., 2018. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.7]. 084. Y.X. Liu, C.N. Yang, and Q. Sun, "Enhance Embedding Capacity of Generalized Exploiting Modification Directions in Data Hiding," IEEE Access, Vol. 6, pp. 5374-5378, Feb., 2018. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.7]. 085. C. Kim, D. Shin, and C.N. Yang, "Study of detection method for spoofed IP against DDoS attacks," Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Vol. 22, Issue 1, pp. 35-44, Feb., 2018. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.636]. 086. C. Kim, D. Shin, and C.N. Yang, "Self-embedding Fragile Watermarking Scheme to Restoration of A Tampered Image Using AMBTC," Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Vol. 22, Issue 1, pp. 11-22, Feb., 2018. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.636]. 087. W.j. Liu, Y. Xu, C.N. Yang, P.P. Gao, and W.B. Yu, "An Efficient and Secure Arbitrary N-Party Quantum Key Agreement Protocol Using Bell States," International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Vol.57, pp.195-207, Jan., 2018. [SCI 5-year IF: 1.2]. 088. C.N. Yang, X. Wu, Y.C. Chou, and Z. Fu, "Constructions of General (k, n) Reversible AMBTC-based Visual Cryptography with Two Decryption Options," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 48, pp. 182-194, Oct., 2017. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.4]. 089. Y.X. Liu and C.N. Yang, "Scalable Secret Image Sharing Scheme with Essential Shadows," Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 58, pp. 49-55, Oct., 2017. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.3]. 090. Z. Zhou, Q.M. Wu, C.N. Yang, X. Sun, and Z. Pan, "Coverless Image Steganography Using Histograms of Oriented Gradients-Based Hashing Algorithm," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 18, pp. 1177-1184, Sep., 2017. [SCI 5-year IF: 0.8]. 091. C.N. Yang, C.H. Wu, Z.X. Yeh, D. Wang, and C. Kim, “A New Sharing Digital Image Scheme with Clearer Shadow Images,” Computer Standards & Interfaces, Vol. 51, pp. 118-131, Mar., 2017. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.2]. 092. C. Kim, D. Shin, B. Kim, and C.N. Yang, "Secure Medical Images Based on Data Hiding Using A Hybrid Scheme with The Hamming Code, LSB, and OPAP," Journal of Real-Time Image Processing (doi: 10.1007/s11554-017-0674-7) published online Feb., 2017. [SCI 5-yearIF: 1.9]. 093. C.N. Yang, S.C. Hsu, and C. Kim, “Improving Stego Image Quality in Image Interpolation Based Data Hiding,” Computer Standards & Interfaces, Vol. 50, pp. 209-215, Feb., 2017. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.2]. 094. Z. Zhou, Y. Wang, Q.M. Wu, C.N. Yang, and X. Sun, "Effective and Efficient Global Context Verification for Image Copy Detection," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 48-63, Jan., 2017. [SCI 5-year IF: 7.3]. 095. C.N. Yang, J.K. Liao, and D. Wang, "New Privilege-based Visual Cryptography with Arbitrary Privilege Levels," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 42, pp. 121-131, Jan. 2017. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.4]. 096. C.N. Yang, T.C. Tung, F.H. Wu, and Z. Zhou, “Color Transfer Visual Cryptography with Perfect Security,” Measurement, Vol. 95, pp. 480-493, Jan., 2017. [SCI 5-year IF: 4.8]. 097. C. Kim and C.N. Yang, "Data Hiding Based on Overlapped Pixels Using Hamming Code," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 75, Issue 23, pp 15651-15663, Dec., 2016. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.9]. 098. F. Huang, Z. Fu, X. Sun, and C.N. Yang, “Privacy-preserving Outsourced Gene Data Search in Encryption Domain," Security and Communication networks, Vol. 9, Issue 18, pp. 5178-5186, Dec. 2016. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.079]. 099. C. Kim, Dongkyoo Shin, Dongil Shin, and C.N. Yang, "Secure Protection of Video Recorder Video in Smart Car," International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (doi: 10.1177/1550147716681792), Vol. 12(12), Dec., 2016. [SCI 5-year IF: 1.6]. 100. C. Kim, D. Shin, L. Leng, and C.N. Yang, "Lossless Data Hiding for Absolute Moment Block Truncation Coding Using Histogram Modification," Journal of Real-Time Image Processing (doi: 10.1007/s11554-016-0641-8) published online Oct., 2016. [SCI 5-year IF: 1.9]. 101. Z. Zhou, C.N. Yang, and C. F. Chen, "Reducing Computations in Chang et al.’s on-line Electronic Check," International Journal of Security and Its Applications, Vol. 10, No. 10, pp. 271-288, Oct., 2016. [EI]. 102. Z. Zhou, Y. Mu, C.N. Yang, and N. Zhao, "Coverless Multi-keywords Information Hiding Method Based on Text," International Journal of Security and Its Applications, Vol. 10, No. 9, pp. 309-320, Sep., 2016. [EI]. 103. C.N. Yang, L.Z. Sun, X. Yan, and C. Kim, "Design a New Visual Cryptography for Human-verifiable Authentication in Accessing a Database," Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, Vol. 12, Issue 2, pp. 483–494, Aug., 2016. [SCI 5-year IF: 1.9]. 104. P. Li, C.N. Yang, and Q. Kong, "A Novel Two-in-one Image Secret Sharing Scheme Based on Perfect Black Visual Cryptography," Journal of Real-Time Image Processing (doi: 10.1007/s11554-016-0621-z) published online July, 2016. [SCI 5-year IF: 1.9]. 105. C.N. Yang, C.H. Chen, and S.R. Cai, "Enhanced Boolean-based Multi Secret Image Sharing Scheme," Journal of Systems and software, Vol. 116, pp. 22-34, June 2016. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.7]. 106. Z. Zhou, C.N. Yang, B. Chen, X. Sun, Q. Liu, and Q.M. Wu, "Effective and Efficient Image Copy Detection with Resistance to Arbitrary Rotation," IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E99-D, No. 6, pp. 1531-1540, June, 2016. [SCI 5-year IF: 0.6]. 107. P. Li, C.N. Yang, and Z. Zhou, "Essential Secret Image Sharing Scheme with the Same Size of Shadows," Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 50, pp. 51-60, Mar., 2016. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.9]. 108. C.N. Yang, L.Z. Sun, and S.R. Cai, "Extended Color Visual Cryptography for Black and White Secret Image," Theoretical Computer Science, , Vol. 609, Part 1, pp. 143-161, Jan., 2016. [SCI 5-year IF: 0.9]. 109. C.N. Yang, C. Kim, and Y.H. Lo "Adaptive Real-time Reversible Data Hiding for JPEG Images," Journal of Real-Time Image Processing (doi: 10.1007/s11554-015-0555-x), published online Dec., 2015. [SCI 5-year IF: 1.9]. 110. C.N. Yang, J.B. Lai, and Z. Fu, "Protecting User Privacy for Cloud Computing by Bivariate Polynomial Based Secret Sharing," Journal of Computing and Information Technology, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 341–355, Dec., 2015. [EI]. 111. L.Q. Hoa, N.H. Truong, C. Kim, and C.N. Yang, "(1,7,4) Data Hiding Scheme for Searching in Hidden Text with Automata," Vietnam Journal of Computer Science, Vol. 2, Issue 4, pp. 257-265, Nov., 2015. [indexed by Google Scholar and DBLP]. 112. X. Yan, X. Liu, and C.N. Yang, "An enhanced threshold visual secret sharing based on random grids," Journal of Real-Time Image Processing(doi:10.1007/s11554-015-0540-4), published online Oct., 2015. [SCI 5-year IF: 1.9]. 113. C.N. Yang, C.C. Wu, Y.C. Lin, and C. Kim, "Constructions and Properties of General (k, n) Block-Based Progressive Visual Cryptography," ETRI Journal, Vol. 37, No. 5, pp. 979-989, Oct., 2015. [SCI 5-year IF: 1.4]. 114. C.N. Yang and C.Y. Lin, "Almost-aspect-ratio-invariant Visual Cryptography without Adding Extra Subpixels," Information Sciences, Vol 312, pp. 131–151, Aug., 2015. [SCI 5-year IF: 8.1]. 115. C. Kim and C.N. Yang, "Watermark with DSA Signature Using Predictive Coding," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 74, Issue 14, pp. 5189-5203, July 2015. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.9]. 116. C.N. Yang , S.R. Cai, and L.Z. Sun, “Parallel Response Ternary Query Tree for RFID Tag Anti-Collision,” Journal of Computer and Communications, Vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 72-79, May 2015. [indexed by Google Scholar]. 117. X. Yan, S. Wang, X. Niu, and C.N. Yang, "Generalized Random Grids-based Threshold Visual Cryptography with Meaningful Shares," Signal Processing, Vol. 109, pp. 317–333, April, 2015. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.8]. 118. X. Yan, S. Wang, X. Niu, and C.N. Yang, "Halftone Visual Cryptography with Minimum Auxiliary Black Pixels and Uniform Image Quality," Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 38, pp. 53–65, March, 2015. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.9]. 119. C.N. Yang, Z.Y. Lin, and S.L. Peng, "Reducing Code Length of Second-Order Spectral-Null Code," IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 64, No. 2, pp. 492-503, Feb., 2015. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.2]. 120. C.N. Yang, P. Li, C.C. Wu, and S.R. Cai, "Reducing Shadow Size in Essential Secret Image Sharing by Conjunctive Hierarchical Approach," Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 31, pp. 1–9, Feb., 2015. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.3]. 121. X. Yan, S. Wang, X. Niu, and C.N. Yang, "Random Grid-based Visual Secret Sharing with Multiple Decryptions," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 26, pp. 94–104, Jan., 2015. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.4]. 122. Y.X. Liu, C.N. Yang, P.H. Yeh, "Reducing Shadow Size in Smooth Scalable Secret Image Sharing," Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 7, Issue 12, pp. 2237–2244, Dec., 2014.[SCI 5-year IF: 2.079]. 123. C.N. Yang, C.L. Hsieh, and S.R. Cai, "Secret Image Sharing Schemes by Using Maximum Distance Separable Codes," International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 522-526, Dec., 2014. [indexed by Google Scholar]. 124. C.N. Yang , C.C. Wu, and D. Wang, "A Discussion on the Relationship between Probabilistic Visual Cryptography and Random Grid," Information Sciences, Vol. 278, pp. 141-173, Sep., 2014. [SCI 5-year IF: 8.1]. 125. C.N. Yang and Y.Y. Yang, "New Extended Visual Cryptography Schemes with Clearer Shadow Images," Information Sciences, Vol. 271, pp. 246-263, July, 2014. [SCI 5-year IF: 8.1]. 126. C. Kim, D. Shin, Dongil Shin, R. Tso, and C.N. Yang, "A secret sharing scheme for EBTC using steganography," Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol. 25, Issue 2, pp 241-249, April, 2014 [SCI 5-year IF: 6.4]. 127. C.N. Yang and D. Wang, "Property Analysis of XOR Based Visual Cryptography," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 189-197, Feb., 2014. [SCI 5-year IF: 7.1]. 128. S. Cimato, C.N. Yang, and C.C. Wu, "Visual Cryptography Based Watermarking," LNCS Transactions on Data Hiding and Multimedia Security, Vol. IX, pp. 91-109, 2014. 129. F. Liu, T. Guo, C. Wu, and C.N. Yang, "Flexible Visual Cryptography Scheme Without Distortion and Its Application," LNCS Transactions on Data Hiding and Multimedia Security, Vol. IX, pp. 110-130, 2014. 130. D. Wang, T. Song, L. Dong, and C.N. Yang, "Optimal Contrast Greyscale Visual Cryptography Schemes with Reversing," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 8, No. 12, pp. 2059-2072, Dec., 2013. [SCI 5-year IF: 7.3]. 131. P. Li, C.N. Yang, Q. Kong, Y. Ma, and Z. Liu, "Sharing more information in gray visual cryptography scheme," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 24, Issue 8, pp. 1380-1393, Nov., 2013.[SCI 5-year IF: 2.4]. 132. P. Li, C.N. Yang, C.C. Wu, Q. Kong, and Y. Ma, "Essential Secret Image Sharing Scheme with Different Importance of Shadows," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 24, Issue 7, pp. 1106–1114, Oct., 2013. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.4]. 133. C.N. Yang, and C.C. Wu, "MSRC: (M)icropayment (S)cheme with Ability to (R)eturn (C)hanges," Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol. 58, pp. 96-107, July, 2013. [2015 SCI 5-year IF: 1.602]. 134. C.N. Yang, P.W. Chen, H.W. Shih, and C. Kim, "Aspect Ratio Invariant Visual Cryptography by Image Filtering and Resizing," Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Vol. 17, Issue 5, pp. 843-850, June, 2013. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.636]. 135. H.C. Lin, C.N. Yang, C.S. Laih, and H.T. Lin," Natural language letter based visual cryptography scheme," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 24, Issue 3, pp. 318-331, April, 2013. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.4]. 136. C.N. Yang and T.H. Chung, "Cryptanalysis of Chen et al.'s multi-secret visual cryptography scheme," Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 61, No. 3, pp. 334-340, March 2013. [SCI 5-year IF: 1.4]. 137. C. Kim, Y. Choi, H. Kim, D. Shin, D. Shin, and C.N. Yang, "Reversible Data Hiding for Halftone Images Using Histogram Modification," Information-An International Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol.16, No.3(A), pp.1861-1872, March, 2013. [2012 SCI 5-year IF: 0.269]. 138. P. Trung Huy, N. Thanh, C. Kim, and C.N. Yang, "Data-Hiding for Halftone Images Using an Improved CPT scheme," KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol.7, Issue 7, pp. 405-424, Feb., 2013. [SCI 5-year IF: 0.9]. 139. C.N. Yang, C.C. Wu, Y.C. Lin, and C. Kim, "Enhanced Matrix-Based Secret Image Sharing Scheme," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 19, Issue 12, pp. 789-792, Dec., 2012. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.4]. 140. C.N. Yang, L.J. Hu and J.B. Lai, "Query Tree Algorithm for RFID Tag with Binary-Coded Decimal EPC," IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 16, No. 10, pp. 1616-1619, Oct., 2012. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.5]. 141. Y.X. Liu, L. Harn, C.N. Yang, and Y.Q. Zhang, "Efficient (n, t, n) Secret Sharing Schemes," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 85, Issue 6, pp. 1325-1332, Jun., 2012. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.7]. 142. C.N. Yang, H.W. Shih, C.C. Wu, and L. Harn, "k out of n Region Incrementing Scheme in Visual Cryptography," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 799-810, May, 2012. [SCI 5-year IF: 7.1]. 143. P. Li, P.J. Ma, X.H. Su, and C.N. Yang, "Improvements of a Two-in-one Image Secret Sharing Scheme based on Gray Mixing Model," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 23, Issue 3, pp. 441-453, Apr, 2012. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.4]. 144. C.N. Yang, J.F. Ouyang, and L. Harn, "Steganography and Authentication in Image Sharing without Parity Bits," Optics Communications, Vol. 285, Issue 7, pp. 1725-1735, Apr., 2012. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.0]. 145. C.N. Yang and C.C. Wu, and F. Liu, "Construction of General (k, n) Probabilistic Visual Cryptography Scheme," Journal of Electronic Science and Technology, Vol. 9, Issue 4, pp. 317-324, Dec., 2011.[indexed by INSPEC]. 146. C.N. Yang, C.Y. Chiu, and G.C. Wu, "Efficient Encoding/Decoding for Second-Order Spectral-Null Codes by Reducing Random Walks," IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 60, No. 10, pp. 1503-1510, Oct., 2011. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.2]. 147. C.N. Yang and Y.Y. Chu, "A general (k, n) scalable secret image sharing scheme with the smooth scalability," Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 84, pp. 1726-1733, 2011. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.7]. 148. C.N. Yang, J.Y. He, "An Effective 16-bit Random Number Aided Query Tree Algorithm for RFID Tag Anti-Collision," IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 539-541, May, 2011. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.5]. 149. C.N. Yang, G.C. Ye, and C. Kim, "Data Hiding in Halftone Images by XOR Block-Wise Operation with Difference Minimization," KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 5, Issue 2, pp. 457-476, Feb., 2011. [SCI 5-year IF: 0.9]. 150. C.N. Yang and T.H. Chung, "A general multi-secret visual cryptography scheme," Optics Communications Vol. 283, Issue 24, pp. 4949-4962, Dec., 2010. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.0]. 151. C.N. Yang, C.B. Ciou, "Image Secret Sharing Method with Two-Decoding-Options: Lossless Recovery and Previewing Capability", Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 28, Issue 12, pp. 1600-1610, Dec., 2010. [SCI 5-year IF: 4.3]. 152. C.N. Yang and S.M. Huang, "Constructions and Properties of k out of n Scalable Secret Image Sharing," Optics Communications, Vol. 283, Issue 9, pp. 1750–1762, May, 2010. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.0]. 153. C.N. Yang, A.G. Peng and T.S. Chen, "MTVSS: (M)isalignment (T)olerant (V)isual (S)ecret (S)haring on Resolving Alignment Difficulty," Signal Processing, Vol. 89, Issue 8, pp. 1602-1624, Aug., 2009. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.8]. 154. C.N. Yang, C.B. Ciou, "A Comment on "Sharing Secrets in Stego Images with Authentication"," Pattern Recognition, Vol. 42, Issue 7, pp. 1615-1619, Jul., 2009. [SCI 5-year IF: 7.6]. 155. C.N. Yang, Y.Y Yang, and C.Y. Chiu, "Image Library Systems: A Novel Installment Payment for Buying Images on the Web," Journal of Computers, Vol. 20, No.1, pp. 43-49, Apr., 2009. [EI]. 156. C.N. Yang and B.L. Lu, "Improved Tracing Algorithm for Random-Error-Resilient Collusion-Secure Fingerprinting Codes," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 25 No. 1, pp. 1-10, Jan., 2009. [SCI 5-year IF: 0.5]. 157. C.N. Yang, A.G. Peng and T.S. Chen, "Secret Image Sharing: DPVCS A Two-in-One Combination of (D)eterministic and (P)robabilistic (V)isual (C)ryptography (S)chemes," Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol. 52, No. 6, pp. 060508-1-060508-12, Nov./Dec., 2008.[SCI 5-year IF: 0.8]. 158. C.N. Yang, C.C. Wang and T.S. Chen, "Visual Cryptography Schemes with Reversing," Computer Journal, Vol. 51 No. 6, pp. 710-722, Nov. 2008. [SCI 5-year IF: 1.5]. 159. C.N. Yang and T.S. Chen, "Colored Visual Cryptography Scheme Based on Additive Color Mixing," Pattern Recognition, Vol. 41, Issue 10, pp. 3114-3129, Oct., 2008. [SCI 5-year IF: 7.6]. 160. C.N. Yang "Efficient Encoding Algorithm for Second-Order Spectral-Null Codes Using Cyclic Bit-Shift," IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. 57, No. 7, pp. 876-888, Jul., 2008. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.2]. 161. C.N. Yang and T.S. Chen, "Security Analysis on Authentication of Images Using Recursive Visual Cryptography," Cryptologia, Vol. 32, Issue 2, pp. 131-136, Apr., 2008. [SCI 5-year IF: 0.6]. 162. C.N. Yang and T.S. Chen,"Visual Secret Sharing Scheme: Prioritizing the Secret Pixels with Different Pixel Expansions to Enhance the Image Contrast," Optical Engineering, Vol. 46, Issue 9, pp. 097005-1 - 097005-19, Sep., 2007. [SCI 5-year IF: 1.1]. 163. C.N. Yang, M.Y. Chen and C.S. Laih, "Applying RFID Technology in Warranty Service Information System," International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 267-277, 2007. [EI]. 164. C.N. Yang and T.S. Chen, "Extended Visual Secret Sharing Schemes: Improving the Shadow Image Quality," International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 879-898, Aug., 2007. [SCI 5-year IF: 1.0]. 165. C.N. Yang, G.J. Chen, T.S. Chen, and R. Lukac, "Error Spreading Control in Image Steganographic Embedding Schemes Using Unequal Error Protection," Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol. 51, No. 4, pp. 380-385, Jul./Aug., 2007. [SCI 5-year IF: 0.8]. 166. M.Y. Chen, C.N. Yang and C.S. Laih, "Authorized Tracking and Tracing for RFID Tags," International Journal of Security and Its Applications, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-13, Jul., 2007. [EI]. 167. C.N. Yang, T.S. Chen, K.H. Yu and C.C. Wang, "Improvements of image sharing with steganography and authentication," Journal of Systems and software, Vol. 80, Issue 7, pp. 1070-1076, Jul., 2007. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.7]. 168. C.N. Yang, K.H. Yu and R. Lukac, "User-Friendly Image Sharing Using Polynomials with Different Primes," International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, Vol. 17, Issue 1, pp. 40-47, Jun., 2007. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.9]. 169. C.N. Yang and D.J. Lee, "Some New Efficient Second-Order Spectral-Null Codes with Small Lookup Tables," IEEE Trans. on Computers., Vol. 55, Issue 7, pp. 924-927, Jul., 2006. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.2]. 170. C.N. Yang and T.S. Chen, "Reduce Shadow Size in Aspect Ratio Invariant Visual Secret Sharing Schemes using a Square Block-wise Operation," Pattern Recognition, Vol. 39, Issue 7, pp. 1300-1314, Jul., 2006. [SCI 5-year IF: 7.6]. 171. C.N. Yang, T.S. Chen and M.H. Ching, "Embed Additional Private Information into Two-Dimensional Bar Codes by the Visual Secret Sharing Scheme," Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, Volume 13, Number 2, pp. 189-199, 2006. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.4]. 172. C.N. Yang and T.S. Chen, "New Size-Reduced Visual Secret Sharing Schemes with Half Reduction of Shadow Size," IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E89-A, No.2, pp. 620-625, Feb., 2006. [SCI 5-year IF: 0.3]. 173. C.N. Yang and T.S. Chen, "Size-Adjustable Visual Secret Sharing Schemes," IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E88-A, No.9, pp. 2471-2474, Sep., 2005. [SCI 5-year IF: 0.3]. 174. C.N. Yang, "Design of Efficient Second-Order Spectral-Null Codes," IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Vol. 51, No. 4, pp. 1580-1584, Apr., 2005. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.4]. 175. C.N. Yang and G.J. Chen, "A Comment on "Systematic Single Asymmetric Error-Correcting Codes", IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Vol. 51, No. 3,pp. 1214-1217, Mar., 2005. [SCI 5-year IF: 2.4]. 176. C.N. Yang, S.H. Chu and B.L. Lu, "Failure of Kak-Quantum Key Distribution Protocol," Pramana - journal of physics, Vol.64, No.1, pp. 1-4, Jan. 2005. [SCI 5-year IF: 1.8]. 177. C.N. Yang and T.S. Chen, "Aspect Ratio Invariant Visual Secret Sharing Schemes with Minimum Pixel Expansion," Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 26, Issue 2, pp. 193-206, 2005. [SCI 5-year IF: 4.2]. 178. C.N. Yang, "New Visual Secret Sharing Schemes Using Probabilistic Method," Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 25, Issue 4, pp. 481-494, 2004. [SCI 5-year IF: 4.2]. 179. C.C. Lin, C.S. Laih and C.N. Yang, "New Audio Secret Sharing Schemes with Time Division Technique," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol.19 No.4, pp.605-614, Jul., 2003. [SCI5-year IF: 0.5]. 180. C.N. Yang, "A Note on Efficient Color Visual Encryption," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Volume 18, Number 3, pp.367-372, May, 2002. [SCI5-year IF: 0.5]. 181. C.N. Yang, "Improvements on Audio and Optical Cryptography," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Volume 18, Number 3, pp.381-391, May, 2002. [SCI5-year IF: 0.5]. 182. C.N. Yang and C.S. Laih, "New Colored Visual Secret Sharing Schemes," Designs Codes and Cryptography, Volume 20, Issue 3, pp.325~336, Jul., 2000. [SCI 5-year IF: 1.5]. 183. C.N. Yang and C.S. Laih, "DCm Codes for Constructing t-EC/AUED Codes," IEEE Trans. on Computers, vol. C-47,NO. 4, pp. 492-495, Apr., 1998. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.2]. 184. C.N. Yang and C.S. Laih, "A Systematic Construction of Inner Codes in Generalized Concatenated Codes for Correcting Unidirectional Byte Errors," IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications, and Computer Sciences, pp. 351-354, Feb., 1998. [SCI 5-year IF: 0.3]. 185. C.N. Yang and C.S. Laih, "Generating Functions for Asymmetric/ Unidirectional Error Correcting and Detecting Codes," IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications, and Computer Sciences, pp. 1135-1143, Jun., 1997. [SCI 5-year IF: 0.3]. 186. C.N. Yang and C.S. Laih, "A Note On Error-correcting Codes for Authentication and Subliminal Channels," Information Processing Letters, vol. 62, pp.141-143, 1997. [SCI 5-year IF: 0.7]. 187. C.S. Laih and C.N. Yang, "Deign of Efficient Balanced Codes with Minimum Distance 4," IEE Proceedings-Communications (IET Communications), vol. 143, pp. 177-181, Aug., 1996. [SCI 5-year IF: 0.853]. 188. C.S. Laih and C.N. Yang, "On The Analysis and Design of Group Theoretical t-syEC/AUED Codes," IEEE Trans. on Computers, vol. C-45, pp. 103-108, Jan., 1996. [SCI 5-year IF: 3.2].
(B) 研討會論文
International Conference Papers:
001. C.N. Yang, H.Y. Lin, and C.Y. Tseng, "Multi-hash Chain Based Key Pre-distribution for Wireless Sensor Networks," 2024 9th International Conference on Information and Network Technologies (ICINT 2024), Tokyo, Japan, May, 2024. 002. T.K. Chang, C.N. Yang, and C.Y. Tseng, "BT-DEF: A Secure Digital Evidence Framework Using Blockchain and TP-Merkle Tree," 2024 the 4th International Conference on Computer, Control and Robotics (ICCCR 2024), pp. 343-348, ISBN 979-8-3503-7314-1, Shanghai, China, April, 2024. 003. C.N. Yang, C.Y. Tseng, and M.C. Lu, "Enhanced Reconciliation of Quantum Key Distribution," 2023 8th Optoelectronics Global Conference (OGC 2023), pp. 43-47, ISBN 979-8-3503-2531-7, Shenzhen, China, Sep., 2023. 004. C.N. Yang, H.Y. Lin, and C.J. Wang, "Bidirectional Hash Chain Based Key Pre-distribution for Wireless Sensor Networks,"2023 8th International Conference on Automation, Control and Robotics Engineering (CACRE 2023), pp. 68-72, ISBN 979-8-3503-0277-6, Hongkong, China, July, 2023. 005. C.N. Yang, H.Y. Lin, H.C. Hsueh, and K.J. Fan "Using Direct Links in Wireless Sensor Networks to Reduce Energy Consumption," Proc. of 2023 The 6th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data (ICAIBD 2023), pp. 603-608, ISBN 978-1-6654-9124-2, Chengdu, China, May, 2023. 006. C.N. Yang, H.C. Kuo, and H.H. Cheng, "Ensuring FHIR Authentication and Data Integrity by Smart Contract and Blockchain Enabled NFT," 2023 7th International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics (ICMHI 2023), pp. 123-128, ISBN 979-8-4007-0071-2, Kyoto, Japan, May, 2023. 007. C.N. Yang, Y.C. Chen, Y.C. Chou, T.K. Chang, and C. Kim, “Enhancing Image Compression by Adaptive Block Truncation Coding with Edge Quantization,” Proc. of 2019 International Workshop on Smart Info-Media Systems in Asia (SISA 2019), pp. 125-130, Tokyo, Japan, Sep., 2019. 008. C.N. Yang, Y.C. Chen, S.Y. Chen, and S.Y. Wu “A Reliable E-commerce Business Model Using Blockchain Based Product Grading System,” Proc. of The the 4th IEEE International Conference on Big Data Analytics (ICBDA 2019), pp. 341-344, ISBN 978-1-7281-1282-4, Suzhou, China, Mar., 2019. 009. C. Kim, D. Shin, and C.N. Yang, “High Capacity Data Hiding Based on AMBTC and Interpolation,” 2018 International Conference on Security with Intelligent Computing and Big-data Services (SICBS 2018), AISC Vol. 895, pp. 858-867 Springer, Guilin, China, Dec., 2018. 010. Y. He, X. Xu, D. Wang, S. Li, X. Zhao, and C.N. Yang, A Secret Sharing Scheme of Dynamic Threshold with Cheaters Detection and Identification,” 2018 International Conference on Security with Intelligent Computing and Big-data Services (SICBS 2018), AISC Vol. 895, pp. 638-649, Springer, Guilin, China, Dec., 2018. 011. H. Liu, D. Wang, X. Zhao, S. Li, and C.N. Yang, “An Analysis on Inverted Mirrored Moiréand Ribbon of Band Moiré,” 2018 International Conference on Security with Intelligent Computing and Big-data Services (SICBS 2018), AISC Vol. 895, pp. 685-698, Springer, Guilin, China, Dec., 2018. 012. C.N. Yang, J.M. Li, S.Y. Wu, and S.S. Lin, “Secret Image Sharing with Public Reconstruction over Distributed Cloud Network,” 2018 International Conference on Cloud Computing, Big Data and Blockchain (ICCBB 2018), pp. 1-8, doi: 10./1109/ICCBB.2018.8756467, Fuzhou, China, Nov., 2018. 013. C.N. Yang, T.J. Lin, S.Y. Wu, S.S. Lin, and W. Bi, “Cost Effective Hash Chain Based Key Pre-Distribution Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network,” Proc. of The 18th IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT 2018), Vol. 2, pp. 518-522, ISSN 2576-7828, Chongqing, China, Oct., 2018. 014. C.N. Yang, S.Y. Wu, Y.S. Chou, and C. Kim, “Performance Improvements of Partial Reversible Data Hiding Scheme,” IEEE Proc. of IMCEC 2018 (ISBN 978-1-5386-1802-8), pp. 866-870, Xi'an, China, May, 2018. 015. C.N. Yang, J.M. Li, and Y.S. Chou, “On the Analysis of k-Secure t-Conference Key Distribution Scheme,” ICCNS 2017 (7th International Conference on Communication and Network Security), ACM Proc. ISBN 978-1-4503-5349-6 (https://doi.org/10.1145/3163058.3163076)Tokyo, Japan, Nov.,2017. 016. C. Kim, D. Shin, C.N. Yang, and Y.S. Chou, “Capacity Enhancement of Hamming+k Data Hiding By Pixel Overlapping Approach,” ICCT 2017 (17th IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology), IEEE Proc. (ISBN: 978-1-15090-3943-2), Vol. 4, pp. 1242-1246, Chengdu, China, Oct.,2017. 017. S.Y. Tsai, C.C. Wu, C.N. Yang, and Y. C. Chou, “Development and Field Trial of Electronic Medical Record with Picture Processing Capabilities,” Healthcare’17 (The 2017 International Conference on Healthcare Science and Engineering), Zhengzhou, China, June, 2017. 018. C.N. Yang, Z.X. Yeh, S.C. Hsu, and Z. Fu, “Enhancing Security for Two-Party Comparison over Encrypted Data,” ICSAI 2016 (the 3rd International Conference on Systems and Informatics), pp. 439-443, Shanghai, China, Nov., 2016. 019. T.K. Chang, C.N. Yang, and F.H. Yeh, “Using the Same PayWord Chains of a Single Account from Multiple Devices,” JCSSE2016 (The 13th International Joint Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering), Khon Kaen, Thailand, July, 2016. 020. S. Cimato, E. Damiani, S. Mella, and C.N. Yang, “Key Recovery in Public Clouds: A Survey on Cross-VM Side Channel Attacks,” LNCS 10039, pp. 456-467, ICCCS 2016 (International Conference on Cloud Computing and Security), Nanjing, China, July, 2016. 021. C.N. Yang, J.K. Liao, F.H. Wu, and Y. Yamaguchi, “Developing Visual Cryptography for Authentication on Smartphones,” LNICST 173, pp. 189-200, Industrial IoT 2016 (EAI International Conference on Industrial IoT Technologies and Applications), Guangzhou, China, Mar., 2016. 022. C.N. Yang, S. Cimato, J.H. Wu, and S.R. Cai, “3-out-of-n Cheating Prevention Visual Cryptographic Schemes,” ICISSP 2016 (International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy), Proc. of ICISSP 2016 , pp. 400-406, Rome, Italy, Feb., 2016. 023. C.N. Yang, F.H Wu, S.Y. Tsai, and W.C. Kuo, “E-health Services for Elderly Care Based on Google Cloud Messaging,” IEEE Smart City 2015 (International Conference on Smart City), pp. 9-12 (doi: 10.1109/SmartCity.2015.39), Chengdu, China, Dec., 2015. 024. X. Yan, S. Wang,X. Niu, and C.N. Yang, “Essential Visual Cryptographic Scheme with Different Importance of Shares,” LNCS 8836, pp. 636-643, ICONIP 2014 (the 21st International Conference on Neural Information Processing), Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, Nov., 2014. 025. X. Yan, G. Chen, and C.N. Yang, “Random Girds-based Threshold Visual Secret Sharing with Improved Contrast by Boolean Operations,” LNCS 9023, pp. 319-332, IWDW 2014 (13-th International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking), Taipei, Taiwan, Oct., 2014. 026. P. Li, C.N. Yang, and Q. Kong, “Two-in-one Image Secret Sharing Scheme Based on Boolean Operations,” LNCS 9023, pp. 305-318, IWDW 2014 (13-th International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking), Taipei, Taiwan, Oct., 2014. 027. C. Kim and C.N. Yang, “Steganography Based on Grayscale Images Using (5, 3) Hamming Code,” LNCS 9023, pp. 588-598, IWDW 2014 (13-th International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking), Taipei, Taiwan, Oct., 2014. 028. D. Wang, F. Yi, and C.N. Yang,“Visual Cryptography Scheme with Autostereogram,” LNCS 9023, pp. 364-375, IWDW 2014 (13-th International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking), Taipei, Taiwan, Oct., 2014. 029. Y.C. Huang, W.C. Kuo, and C.N. Yang, “Data Hiding Based on Radix-2,” pp. 170-174, AsiaJCIS 2014 (the 9th Asia Joint Conference on Information Security), Wuhan, China, Sep., 2014. 030. C.N. Yang, W.J. Chang, S.R. Cai, and C.Y. Lin, "Secret Image Sharing without Keeping Permutation Key," pp. 410-416, ICT 2014 (International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies), Nanjing, China, May, 2014. 031. C. Kim and C.N. Yang, “Steganography based on low density parity check (LDPC),” LNEE 309, pp. 25-30, FutureTech 2014 (The 9th FTRA International Conference on Future Information Technology), Zhangjiajie, China, May 2014. 032. C. Kim and C.N. Yang, “Improving Data Hiding Capacity Based on Hamming Code,” LNEE 301, pp. 697-706, FCC 2014 (FTRA Frontier and Innovation in Future Computing and Communications), Auckland, New Zealand, Jan., 2014. 033. T. Guo, F. Liu, C. Wu, C.N. Yang, and W. Wang,“Threshold Secret Image Sharing,” LNCS 8233, pp. 404-412, ICICS 2013 (The 15th International Conference on Information and Communications Security), Beijing, China, Nov., 2013. 034. C.N. Yang and Y.C. Lin, “Cheating Immune Block-based Progressive Visual Cryptography,” LNCS 8389, pp 95-108, IWDW 2013 (12-th International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking), Auckland, New Zealand, Oct., 2013. 035. C.N. Yang, C.C. Wu, and C.W. Chou, “A comment on "sharing secret images using Blakley’s concept",” The Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2013), pp. 383-386, Beijing, China, Oct., 2013. 036. X.F. Xu, D. Wang, S.D. Li, and C.N. Yang, “An anti-cheating block secret sharing scheme based-on cyclic codes,” The Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2013), pp. 369-372, Beijing, China, Oct., 2013. 037. C.N. Yang and J.B. Lai, “Protecting Data Privacy and Security for Cloud Computing Based on Secret Sharing,” International Symposium on Biometrics and Security Technologies (ISBAST’13), pp. 259-266, Chengdu, China, July, 2013. 038. P.T. Huy, C. Kim, N. T. Anh, L.Q. Hoa, and C.N. Yang, “Data Hiding Based on Palette Images Using Weak Bases of Z2-Modules,” LNCS 7861, pp 649-658, GPC 2013, (8th International Conference, 2013 Grid and Pervasive Computing 2013 and Colocated Workshops), Daegu, Korea, May, 2013. 039. C.N. Yang,Y.C. Lin, and C.C. Wu, “Region-in-Region Incrementing Visual Cryptography Scheme,” LNCS 7809, pp. 449-463, IWDW 2012, (11-th International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking), Shanghai, China, Oct., 2012. 040. S. Cimato, C.N. Yang, and C.C. Wu, “Visual Cryptography based Watermarking:Definition and Meaning,” LNCS 7809, pp. 435-448, IWDW 2012, (11-th International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking), Shanghai, China, Oct., 2012. 041. C. Kim, D. Shin, D, Shinn, and C.N. Yang, “A (2, 2) Secret Sharing Scheme Based on Hamming Code and AMBTC,” LNCS 7197, pp. 129-139, ACIIDS 2012, (Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems), Taiwan, March, 2012. 042. C.N. Yang, T.Y. Wu, L.J. Hu, P. Wang, and C.H. Lee, “Applying Dynamic Partition in IRC-Based Botnet Detection,” 2011 IEEE International Conference on Information Theory and Information Security (ICITIS 2011), Vol. II, pp. 655-660, Hangzhou, China, Nov., 2011. 043. F. Liu, T. Guo, C. Wu, and C.N. Yang, “Flexible Visual Cryptography Scheme Without Distortion,” LNCS 7128, pp. 211–227, IWDW 2011, (10th International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking), Atlantic City, USA, Oct., 2011. 044. C.N. Yang H.W. Shih, Y.Y. Chu, and L. Harn, "New Region Incrementing Visual Cryptography Scheme," The 2011 International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition (IPCV 2011) in conjunction with WORLDCOMP 2011, pp. 323-329, Las Vegas, USA, July,2011. 045. C.N. Yang, G.C. Wu, and C.C. Wu, "Certificate-in-Certificate: Designing A New Certificate Extension for Mobile-Commerce," The 2011 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology (e-CASE & e-Tech 2011), pp. 554-564,Tokyo, Japan, Jan., 2011. 046. C.N. Yang, Y.C. Kun, J.Y. He, and C.C. Wu, "A Practical Implementation of Ternary Query Tree for RFID Tag Anti-Collision," The 2010 IEEE International Conference on Information Theory and Information Security (ICITIS 2010), pp. 283-286, Beijing, China, Dec., 2010. 047. C.N. Yang, Y.C. Kun, C.Y. Chiu, and Y.Y. Chu, "A New Adaptive Query Tree on Resolving RFID Tag Collision," The IEEE International Conference on RFID-Technology and Applications 2010 (IEEE RFID-TA2010), pp. 153-158, Guangzhou, China, June, 2010. 048. C.N. Yang, C.C. Wu, C.Y. Chiu, S.Y. Chiou, and W.C. Liao, "Micropayment Schemes with Ability to Return Changes," The 11th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2009), pp. 354-361, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec., 2009. 049. C.N. Yang, C.S. Laih, C.C. Wu, and G.C. Wu, "RWSIS: (R)FID-enabled (W)arranty (S)ervice (I)nformation (S)ystem on Resolving Security and Privacy," The 2009 International Symposium on IT and its Applications (ITA-09) in conjunction with IEEE CSA 2009, pp. 452-456, Jeju Island, Korea, Dec., 2009. 050. C.N. Yang, J.R. Chen, C.Y. Chiu, G.C. Wu, and C.C. Wu, "Enhancing Privacy and Security in RFID-Enabled Banknotes," the 2009 IEEE International Workshop on Security in e-Science and e-Research (ISSR2009) in conjunction with IEEE ISPA2009, pp439-444, Chengdu, China, August 2009. 051. C.N. Yang, Jia-Sing Su and Shun-Yu Cheng, "A Multilevel Secure Key Predistribution Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks," The 4th International Conferences on Information Security and Cryptology (Inscrypt 2008), Beijing, China, Dec. 2008. 052. C.N. Yang, Y.Y. Yang, T.S. Chen and G.C. Ye, "New Steganography Scheme in Halftone Images," The 4th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP-2008), pp 331-336, Harbin, China, Aug. 2008. 053. C.N. Yang, C.Y. Chiu, T.S. Chen and G.C. Ye, "Wireless Image Transmission Using Burst Error Correction Codes," The 5th IET Visual Information Engineering 2008 Conference (VIE'08) , pp 331-336, Xi'an, China, July 2008. 054. C.N. Yang, A.G. Peng and T.S. Chen, " Reducing Shadow Size for Visual Cryptography Scheme," The Ninth International Conference on Information and Communications Security (ICICS 2007), Zhengzhou, China, Dec. 2007. 055. C.N. Yang and T.S. Chen, "An Image Secret Sharing Scheme with the Capability of Previewing the Secret Image," IEEE ICME 2007 International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME'07), pp. 1535-1538, Beijing, China, July 2007. 056. C.N. Yang, K.H. Yu and R. Lukac, "User-Friendly Image Sharing in Multimedia Database Using Polynomials with Different Primes," LNCS 4352, pp. 443-452, MMM 2007 (International MultiMedia Modeling Conference), Singapore, January, 2007. 057. C.N. Yang and T.S. Chen, "Visual Secret Sharing Scheme: Improving the Contrast of a Recovered Image via Different Pixel Expansions," LNCS 4141, pp.468–479, 2006.,ICIAR (International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition) 2006, Portugal, Sep., 2006. 058. M.Y. Chen, C.N. Yang and C.S. Laih, "Authorized Tracking and Tracing for RFID Tags," LNCS 4097, pp. 435–444, EUC 2006 Workshops: RFID and Ubiquitous Sensor Networks, Korea, Aug., 2006. 059. C.N. Yang, C.C. Wang and T.S. Chen, Real Perfect Contrast Visual Secret Schemes with Reversing," LCNS 3989, pp. 433–447, ACNS (Applied Cryptography and Network Security) 2006, Singapore, June, 2006. 060. C.N. Yang and B.L. Lu, "Improved Tracing Algorithm for Random-Error-Resilient Collusion-Secure Fingerprinting Codes," P2P workshop in InfoScale2006, HongKong, May, 2006. 061. C.N. Yang and T.S. Chen, "Extended Visual Secret Sharing Schemes with High-Quality Shadow Images Using Gray Sub Pixels", LNCS 3656, pp. 1184–1191, ICIAR (International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition) 2005, Canada, September, 2005. 062. C.N. Yang and T.S. Chen, "New Aspect Ratio Invariant Visual Secret Sharing Schemes Using Square Block-wise Operation," LNCS 3656, pp. 1167–1174, ICIAR (International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition) 2005,Canada, September, 2005. 063. C.N. Yang, T. Lin, and T.S. Chen, "Enhanced Fair Micropayment Scheme Based on Hash Chain To Avoid Merchant Collusion", pp. 39 - 42, ISCE 2005, Macau, June, 2005. 064. C.N. Yang, and T.S. Chen, "New Size-Reduced Visual Secret Sharing Schemes with Half Reduction of Shadow Size," LNCS 3480, pp. 19–28, ICCSA (International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications) 2005, Singapore, May, 2005. 065. C.N. Yang, and G.J. Chen, “Error Spreading Control in Steganography Embedding Scheme Using Unequal Error Protection,” 2004 International Computer Symposium(ICS2004), pp.443-448, Taiwan, Dec., 2004. 066. C.N. Yang and T.S. Chen, “An Algorithm to Enumerate Codewords for Third-Order Spectral-Null Codes,” Proceedings, 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, pp.88, Chicago, USA, June 27-July 2, 2004. 067. C.N. Yang, H.T. Teng and T.S. Chen, “Using One-way Hash Function to Solve the Reusable Unit Key Problem in Bluetooth Security,” The 8th World Multi-Conference on SYSTEMICS, CYBERNETICS AND INFORMATICS, SCI 2004, pp.29-32, Florida, USA, July, 2004. 068. C.N. Yang and H.T. Teng, “An Efficient Method for Finding Minimum Hash Chain of Multi-Payword Chains in Micropayment,”IEEE Conference on E-Commerce, pp.45-48, Califonia, USA, June, 2003. 069. C.N. Yang, T.Y. Cheng and C.C. Kuo, “Enhanced Wireless IEEE 802.11b Protocols Resistant to the Keystream Reuse Attack,”Proceedings of the 2002 International Computer Symposium, Volume 2, pp.1035-1039, Taiwan, Dec., 2002. 070. C.N. Yang and C.C. Kuo, “Enhanced Quantum Key Distribution Protocols Using BB84 and B92,”Proceedings of the 2002 International Computer Symposium, Volume 2, pp.951-959, Taiwan, Dec., 2002. 071. C.N. Yang and C.C. Kuo,“New Efficient Quantum Key Distribution Protocol,”SPIE's Photonic Asia 2002, Vol. 4917, pp.54-58, Shanghai, China, Oct., 2002. 072. C.N. Yang, “An improvement on code for detection of tampering in write-once optical disks,” 2000 International Computer Symp.Proceedings(ICS 2000),Workshop on cryptology and information security,pp.84-90, Taiwan, Dec., 2000. 073. C.S. Laih, C.C. Lin, and C.N. Yang, “The Recent Development of E-government and PKI in ROC,” SSGRR 2000 Computer & eBusiness Conference, Italy, July 31~August 6, 2000. 074. C.N. Yang and C.S. Laih, “New (k,k) visual secret sharing schemes using hierarchical structure technique,” 1998 International Computer Symp. Proceedings(ICS'98), Workshop on cryptology and information security, pp.148-154, Taiwan, Dec., 1998. 075. C.N. Yang, Y.B. Yeh, and C.S. Laih, “A dynamic password visual authentication scheme through Internet,” 16-th International Telecommunication Symp. (ITS'98), vol. III, pp.163-167, Taiwan, Sep., 1998. 076. C.N. Yang and C.S. Laih, “On the design of t-EC/AUED codes,” IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Ulm, Germany, June 29-July 4, 1997. 077. Y.C. Lee, C.N. Yang, and C.S. Laih, “An authentication protocol for the GSM,” 15-th International Telecommunication Symp.(ITS‘96), vol. I, pp.173-176, Taiwan, Nov.,1996
Local Conference Papers: 001 . C.N. Yang, K.Z. Huang, C.Y. Tseng, and H.Y. Lin, "Encrypting Identification Card Number by Format-preserving Encryption FF1 Algorithm," TANET, Nov., 2023. 002 . C.N. Yang, Y. Lee, C.R. Chen, T.H. Zhou, and H.C. Kuo, "FEE: Using FHIR and ETH Smart Contracts to Implement Electronic Medical Records (EMR) with Data Integrity," TANET, Dec., 2022. 003 . C.N. Yang, J.L. Yang, C.Z. Kang, M.J. Chung, and C.C. Wu, "Offline-to-Online Micropayment: Deploying Online Micropayment on Ethereum Smart Contract with Less Gas Cost," TANET 2021, Dec., 2021. 004 . C.N. Yang, C.L. Kao, H.Y. Lin, and H.W. Cai, “Fake News Detection Framework by Using Blockchain Based Consensus Mechanism and News Agency Validation,” 2021 Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Outlying Islands (ITAOI 2021), pp. 1018-1022, May, 2021. 005 . C.N. Yang, Y.T. Lien, Z.R. Lin, P.Y. Chen, and H.Y. Lin, "A Blockchain-Based Framework for Digital Diploma in Decentralized Storage Systems IPFS and Swarm," TANET 2020, Oct. 2020. 006 . C.N. Yang, S.Y Chen, Y.C Kao, S.Y Hsiang, H.L. Lu, I.T Chuang, "Learning Coin for Fair Online Course Selection System Based on Blockchain," TANET 2018, Oct. 2018. 007 . C.N. Yang, J.X. Li, J. Chen, Y.J. Huang, and S.Y. Wu, "Visual QR Code Based Class Attendance Roster," TANET 2018, Oct. 2018. 008 . C.N. Yang, T.Y. Wei, Y.M. Huang, M.S. Mo, and Y.T. Zhuang, "CAPTCHA-like Content Based Graphical Password by Data Hiding," NCS (National Computer Symposium) 2017, Dec., 2017. 009 . C.N. Yang, W.C. Hsu, and Y.T. Zhuang, "Development of Chapter on Demand for eBook Online Ordering System," NCS (National Computer Symposium) 2017, Dec., 2017. 010 . C.N. Yang, Y.T. Zhuang, S.C. Hsu, "Google Map Graphical One-time Password," TANET 2016, Oct. 2016. 011 . C.N. Yang, Z.N. Lin, J.K. Liao, and Y.F. Lee, “A Study of Intrusion Detection Tool Snort on Digital Forensics,” 2015 Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Outlying Islands (ITAOI 2015), pp. 815-819, May, 2015. 012 . C.N. Yang, H.C. Yang, J.Y. Chen, T.C. Tung, and L.Z. Sun, "A Multilevel Security Google Map Graphical Password," TANET 2014, Oct. 2014. 013 . C.N. Yang, C.C. Wu, Y.C. Lin, C.Y. Lin, and S.R. Cai, "Block-based Progressive Visual Cryptography," The Fourth National Conference on Web Intelligence and Applications (NCWIA 2014), May, 2014. 014 . C.N. Yang, C.Y. Chiu, and S.R. Cai, "Mobile Authentication Based on Google Cloud Messaging," TANET 2013, Oct. 2013. 015 . C.N. Yang, S.Y. Tsai, C.C. Wu, C.Y. Lin, S.R. Cai, T.H. Chen, and C.L. Sheih, "Android Push Notification on Health Information Services for Elderly Seniors Based on Google Cloud Messaging," TANET 2013, Oct. 2013. 016 . C.N. Yang and J.B. Lai, “Enhancing Security in Google Map Based Graphical Passwords by Coordinate Shifting Approach,” 2013 Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Outlying Islands, pp. 1253-1258, May, 2013. 017 . C.N. Yang, L.W. Hang, W.J. Chang, and C.W. Chiang, "Enhancing Security in Google Map Based Graphical Passwords," TANET 2012, Oct. 2012. 018 . C.N. Yang, S.H. Lin, G.C. Huang, Y.L. Chang, H.W. Shih, and Y.C. Lin, “A Text-in-Picture Steganographic Method using Android Platform,” TANET 2011, Oct. 2011. 019 . C.N. Yang, C.H. Wu, P.Y. Liao, and C.C. Wu, “ROI/NROI Data Hiding of Medical Images, with Application on Blood Capillary Images,” 2011 6th International Symposium on Healthcare Information Management (UHIMA 2011), April, 2011. 020 . C.N. Yang, C.Y. Lin, S.L. Chen, H.C. Huang and Y.Y. Chu, "A Secure Digital Photo Frame to Share Photos Using DE2-70," 2010 Workshop on Consumer Electronics, pp. 925-928, Nov., 2010. 021 . C.N. Yang, S.H. Lin, C.S. Shu, S. Huang and C.Y. Chiu, "Combing SiB and QR Code for Multi-Authority Wireless Authentications," 2008 Workshop on Consumer Electronics, pp. 544-548, Dec 2008. 022 . C.N. Yang, S.U. Cheng, Y.C. Kun, G.C. Wu and T.H. Chung,"RFID Enabled Passenger with Bicycle Transit Auto-Payment Scheme in MRT, " TANET 2008, Oct. 2008. 023 . C.N. Yang and T. S. Chen "On The Analysis of Visual Cryptography Scheme Underlying XOR Operation," Cryptology and Information Security Conference 2008 (CISC2008), pp. 16-30, May 2008. 024 . C.N. Yang, S.H. Chang, T.S. Chen, and C.H. Su, "A New Pixel-Value Differencing Steganography Scheme Based on Space Filling Curve," Cryptology and Information Security Conference 2008 (CISC2008), pp. 462-474, May 2008. 025 . C.N. Yang, J. S. Su, T. S. Chen, and S. H. Chang "Implementation of A High-Security Certificate Service By Embedding Fingerprint In Smart Cards," Open Source Code 2007, Nov, 2007. 026 . C.N. Yang, C. E. Yen, C. H. Wang, C. M. Chen, T. S. Chen, and Y. F. Lee "Campus Micropayment System by Mobile Barcode," TANET 2007, Oct, 2007. 027 . C.N. Yang, A.G. Peng and T.S. Chen, "Registration Tolerant Visual Secret Sharing Schemes Using Two-Sized Subpixels," Information Security Conference, pp. 13-23, June, 2007. 028 . C.N. Yang, F.R. Zhou, J.R. Lu, T. Zheng and T.S. Chen, "Applying CAPTCHA Technology to Prevent Click Fraud in E-Commercials," ECDL2007, pp. 492-499, March, 2007. 029 . C.N. Yang, T.S. Chen and A.G. Peng, "Certificate Services for Cellular Phone Emulator Based on JAVA Card," OpenSource Code 2006, Nov. 2006. 030 . C.N. Yang, T.S. Chen, Y.C. Lin, Y.F. Yu, Y.F. Chen, C.Y. Chiu and U.F. Lee "Access Control for Mouse and Network Functions in Computer Classroom Using RFID Technique," TANET 2006, Nov. 2006. 031 . C.N. Yang, T.S. Chen, K.H. Yu and C.C. Wang, "Cheating-Immune Secret Image Sharing Scheme with Steganography," Information Security Conference, pp. 250-257, June, 2006. 032 . C.N. Yang, K. N. Chen and A.G. Peng, "A Reliable Tree-Based Revocation Scheme in Grid Computing System", The Second Workshop on Grid Technologies and Applications WOGTA 2005, pp. 44-50, Dec. 2005. 033 . Y.F. Lee, B.F. Liou, C.N. Yang,H.C. Chi, "Automatic IP Management," Proc. TANET 2005, Taichung, Oct. 2005. 034 . C.N. Yang, Z.W. Chen and C.C. Chiang, "A Slight Secret Key Storage Requirement Watermarking Scheme For Image Authentication", 18th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (CVGIP 2005), pp. 1038-1041, Aug. 2005. 035 . C.N. Yang and S.H. Chu, "A Simple and Efficient Quantum Dense Key Distribution Protocol Using Single Polarized Photon", Information Security Conference, pp. 382-388, June 2004. 036 . C.N. Yang, C.C. Kuo, and T.Y. Cheng, Enhancement of Known IV attack for WEP Systems", National Computer Symposium on Information Security, pp. 1205-1212, Dec 2003. 037 . C.N. Yang and T.S. Chen, Image Size Invariant Visual Secret Sharing Schemes for Gray Level Image, Information Security Conference, pp. 464-471, Aug. 2003. 038 . C.C. Lin, C.S. Laih and C.N. Yang, “Audio Cryptography Schemes based on the time division technique,” Proceedings of 12-th National Conference on Information Security, pp. 407-414, May 2002. 039 . C.N. Yang, Y.H. Liang, and W.H. Chou, "New Visual Secret Sharing Scheme with Non-Expansible Shadow Size Using Non-binary Sub Pixel," National Computer Symposium on Information Security, pp. F074~F085, Dec 2001. 040 . C.N. Yang and T.L. Wu, "Visual Secret Sharing Schemes with Multiple Shared Secrets," Proceedings of the Eleventh National Conference on Information Security,pp. 99-105, May 2001. 041 . C.H. Shi, S.L. Peng, and C.N. Yang, "Efficient Generation of Constant Weight Codes in Cryptosystem," Proceedings of the Tenth National Conference on Information Security, pp. 149-160, May, 2000. 042 . C.N. Yang and T.L. Wu, "A Colored Visual Secret Sharing Scheme Based on the Additive Color Mixing of Light," Proceedings of the Tenth National Conference on Information Security, pp. 180-189, May, 2000. 043 . C.N. Yang and C.S. Laih, "Some new types of visual secret sharing schemes," 1999 National Computer Symp. (NCS'99), vol. III, pp. 260-268, Dec., 1999.
(C) 著作、專書、專章:
001. Book Editor- C.N. Yang, S.L. Peng, and L.C. Jain, Security with Intelligent Computing and Big-data Services (Springer, ISBN: 978-3-030-16945-9), 2019. 002. Book Chapter- Z. Zhou, Y. Cao, X. Sun, and C.N. Yang, Forgery Detection in Digital Images, in the book Encyclopedia of Image Processing, Publisher: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, ISBN: 9781482244908, 2018. 003. Book Editor- Y.Q. Shi, H.J. Kim, H.J., F. Pérez-González, and C.N. Yang, Digital-Forensics and Watermarking (Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-19320-5), 2015. 004. Book Editor- J.S. Pan, C.N. Yang, and C.C. Lin, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Applications -Volume 2 (Springer. ISBN: 978-3-642-35472-4), Dec., 2012. 005. Book Chapter- C.N. Yang, J.Y. He, and Y.C. Kun, Chapter: RFID Tag Anti-Collision Protocols, in the book Advanced RFID Systems, Security, and Applications (IGI Global, ISBN13: 9781466620803), 2012. 006. Book- S. Cimato and C.N. Yang, Visual Cryptography and Secret Image Sharing, Publisher: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, ISBN: 9781439837214, Number of Pages: 501, Publication Date: August 10, 2011. 007. Book Chapter- C.N. Yang, C.B. Ciou, and T.S. Chen, Chapter 17: Two-Decoding-Option Image Sharing Method, in the book Visual Cryptography and Secret Image Sharing, Aug, 2011. 008. Book Chapters- R. Lukac, K.N. Plataniotis, and C.N. Yang, Image Secret Sharing. In Encyclopedia of Multimedia, (ed.) B. Furth, Springer-Verlag, pp. 328-335, January 2006. Including short articles: Compression in Image Secret Sharing (pp. 86-87), Halftoning-Based Visual Secret Sharing (pp. 363-364), Image Watermarking Using Visual Cryptography (pp. 337-338), Private-Key Cryptosystem (pp. 712-714), Threshold Schemes with Minimum Pixel Expansion (pp. 849-850), Visual Cryptography (pp. 950-951). ISBN 0-387-24395-X. 009. 楊慶隆,“數據編碼與錯誤控制”,中華電信訓練所訓練叢書,編號:T311,1995。 010. 楊慶隆,“新型感應器與保全電路”,全華書局,1994。
(1) 距離等於4平衡碼編碼/解碼器
(2) 視覺式秘密分享技術 ‧ Best Paper Award in TANET 2023. The title of paper is "Encrypting Identification Card Number by Format-preserving Encryption FF1 Algorithm". ‧ Best Paper Award in TANET 2018. The title of paper is "Learning Coin for Fair Online Course Selection System Based on Blockchain". ‧ Fine Advising Award in the Thesis of PhD of Science awarded by Institute of Information & Computer Machinery year of 2014. The title of thesis is “Visual Cryptography and Secret Image Sharing”.
‧ Fine Advising Award in the Thesis of Master of Science awarded by Institute of Information & Computer Machinery year of 2012. The title of thesis is “k out of n Region Incrementing Scheme in Visual Cryptography”.
‧ Fine Teaching Award in the College of Science and Engineering of National Dong Hwa University year of 2011.
‧ Fine Advising Award in the Thesis of Master of Science awarded by Institute of Information & Computer Machinery year of 2010. The title of thesis is “A New (k, n) Multi-secret Visual Cryptography”.
‧ RFID-TA 2010 Best Student Paper Award Competition in IEEE International Conference on RFID-Technology and Applications 2010. The title of paper is “A New Adaptive Query Tree on Resolving RFID Tag Collision”.
‧ iiWAS 2009 Best Paper Award in the 11th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2009). The title of paper is “Micropayment Schemes with Ability to Return Changes”.
‧ Fine Teaching Award in the College of Science and Engineering of National Dong Hwa University year of 2008.
‧One of the top ten most cited papers among all the papers published by Journal of System and Software in 2007. The paper is C.N. Yang, T.S. Chen, K.H. Yu and C.C. Wang, "Improvements of image sharing with steganography and authentication," Journal of Systems and software, Vol. 80, Issue 7, pp. 1070-1076, Jul., 2007.
‧ Fine Advising Award in the Thesis of Master of Science awarded by Institute of Information & Computer Machinery year of 2006. The title of thesis is “Design of Some New Efficient Second-Order Spectral-Null Codes”.
‧ Fine Teaching Award in the Whole Campus of National Dong Hwa University year of 2004.
‧ Fine Advising Award in the Thesis of Master of Science awarded by Institute of Information & Computer Machinery year of 2002. The title of thesis is “Detection of Tampering In Noisy Environment For Write-Once Optical Disks”.
Serve in International Journals and Conferences:
‧ Guest Editor- Special Issue "New trends in Security, Trust, and Privacy in Future Cyber-Systems" for Frontiers in Computer Science.
‧ Guest Editor- Special Issue "Information Theory and Its Applications in Multimedia Security and Processing" for Entropy.
‧ Guest Editor- Special Issue "Resolution enhancement of images with the help of pattern recognition applications" for Gene Expression Patterns.
‧ Guest Editor- Special Issue "Applying Visual Cryptography to Data Hiding, Watermarking and Secret Image Sharing for Enhancement of Information Security" for Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation.
‧ Guest Editor- Special Issue "New Cryptographic Technologies and Artificial Intelligence in Outsourced Data Security" for Security and Communication Networks.
‧ Guest Editor- Special Issue "Computational Intelligence Techniques for Information Security and Forensics in IoT Environments" Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing.
‧ Associate Editor- Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences (CMES).
‧ Guest Editor- Special Issue "Computing Methods in Steganography and Multimedia Security" for Mathematics.
‧ Guest Editor- Special Issue "Intelligent Models for Security and Resilience in Cyber Physical Systems" for Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences (CMES).
‧ Guest Editor- Special Issue "Deep Learning for Real-time Information Hiding and Forensics" for the Journal of Real-Time Image Processing (JRTIP).
‧ Guest Editor- Special Issue "Recent Advances in Video Coding and Security" for IEEE Access.
‧ Guest Editor- Special Issue "Machine Learning for Wireless Multimedia Data Security" for Security and Communication Networks.
‧ Guest Editor- Special Issue "Symmetry in Computing Theory and Application" for Symmetry.
‧ Guest Editor- Special Issue "Advanced Technology for Smart Home Automation and Entertainment" for Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (PAUC, springer journal).
‧ Guest Editor- Special Issue "Mobile and Smartphone Forensics in Mobile System" for Mobile Information Systems.
‧ Guest Editor- Special Issue "Real-Time data Hiding and Visual Cryptography" for the Journal of Real-Time Image Processing (JRTIP).
‧ Editorial Board- International Journal of Knowledge Engineering (IJKE).
‧ Lead Guest Editor- Special Issue "Multimedia and Image Processing: Security, Forensics, and Applications" for the Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (Hindawi Publishing Corporation).
‧ Editorial Board- Mobile Computing (The World Academic Publishing).
‧ Editorial Board- Journal of Advanced Computing (Columbia International Publishing).
‧ Editorial Board- Information Technology and Applications (The World Academic Publishing).
‧ ICINT 2025- Program Co-Chairs of 2025 10th International Conference on Information and Network Technologies (ICINT 2025).
‧ IIHMSP 2024- Conference Chair of The 20th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2024).
‧ ICCSN 2024- Technical Committee Member of 2024 the 16th International Conference on Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN 2024).
‧ BIOTC 2024- Technical Program Committee Member of The 6th Blockchain and Internet of Things Conference (BIOTC 2024).
‧ COMPSAC 2024- Program Committee Member of COMPSAC 2024 Symposium on Security, Privacy & Trust in Computing (SEPT).
‧ IoTAI 2024- Technical Program Committee Member of 2024 the first International Conference on IoT-AI (IoTAI 2024) in conjunction with DigiTech 2024 Congress.
‧ ITIOT 2024- Technical Program Committee Member of 2024 8th International Conference on Information Technology and Internet of Things (ITIOT 2024).
‧ ISIA 2023- Technical Program Committee Member of 2023 International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Industrial Automation (ISIA 2023).
‧ BIOTC 2023- Technical Program Committee Member of The 5th Blockchain and Internet of Things Conference (BIOTC 2023).
‧ COMPSAC 2023- Program Committee Member of COMPSAC 2023 Symposium on Security, Privacy & Trust in Computing (SEPT).
‧ SAPSE 2023- Program Committee Member of 15th IEEE International Workshop on Security Aspects of Process and Services Engineering (SAPSE 2023) in conjunction with (COMPSAC 2023).
‧ CFDSP 2023- Technical Committee Member of 2023 International Conference on Frontiers of Digital Signal Processing (CFDSP 2023).
‧ SIGNAL 2023- Technical Program Committee Member of The Eighth International Conference on Advances in Signal, Image and Video Processing (SIGNAL 2023).
‧ KES 2022- International Program Committee Member of The 26th KES International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems 2022 (KES 2022).
‧ SAPSE 2022- Program Committee Member of 14th IEEE International Workshop on Security Aspects of Process and Services Engineering (SAPSE 2022) in conjunction with (COMPSAC 2022).
‧ AIIPCC 2022- Technical Program Committee Member of The Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Information Processing and Cloud Computing (AIIPCC 2022).
‧ ICBDC 2022- Publicity Co-Chair of 2022 7th International Conference on Big Data and Computing (ICBDC 2022).
‧ SIGNAL 2022- Technical Program Committee Member of The Seventh International Conference on Advances in Signal, Image and Video Processing (SIGNAL 2022).
‧ CSEE 2022- Technical Committee Member of 2022 3rd International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Education (CSEE 2022).
‧ CFDSP 2022- Technical Committee Member of 2022 International Conference on Frontiers of Digital Signal Processing (CFDSP 2022).
‧ ECCSIT 2021- Technical Committee Member of 2021 European Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ECCSIT 2021).
‧ ICCC 2021- Technical Program Committee Member of 2021 IEEE 7th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC 2021).
‧ WBDE 2021- Conference Co-Chair of 2021 Workshop on Big Data Engineering (WBDE 2021).
‧ VSIP 2021- Technical Committee Member of 2021 3rd International Conference on Video, Signal and Image Processing (VSIP 2021).
‧ ASPAI 2021- International Program Committee Member of the Third International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence (ASPAI 2021).
‧ CSSE 2021- Program Committee Chair of 2021 4th International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE 2021).
‧ KES 2021- International Program Committee Member of The 25th KES International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems 2021 (KES 2021).
‧ MLIOB 2021- Program Committee Member of 2nd International Conference on Machine Learning, IOT and Blockchain (MLIOB 2021).
‧ IWACCE 2021- Technical Committee Member of International Workshop on Automation, Control and Communication Engineering (IWACCE 2021).
‧ CBW 2021- Program Committee Member of 2nd International Conference on Cloud, Big Data and Web Services (CBW 2021).
‧ ICAIS 2021- Technical Program Committee Member of The 7th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Security (ICAIS 2021).
‧ SAPSE 2021- Program Committee Member of 13th IEEE International Workshop on Security Aspects of Process and Services Engineering (SAPSE 2021) in conjunction with COMPSAC 2021.
‧ ICBDC 2021- Publicity Chair of 2021 6th International Conference on Big Data and Computing (ICBDC 2021).
‧ AIIPCC 2021- Technical Committee Member of The Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Information Processing and Cloud Computing (AIIPCC 2021).
‧ SIGNAL 2021- Technical Program Committee Member of The Sixth International Conference on Advances in Signal, Image and Video Processing (SIGNAL 2021).
‧ BIGML 2021- Program Committee Member of 2nd International conference on Big Data, Machine learning and Applications (BIGML 2021).
‧ SOEN 2021- Program Committee Member of 6th International Conference on Software Engineering (SOEN 2021).
‧ ITIOT 2021- Technical Committee Member of 2021 2nd International Conference on Information Technology and Internet of Things (ITIOT 2021).
‧ CBDA 2021- Program Committee Member of 2nd International Conference on Big Data (CBDA 2021).
‧ ACSTY 2021- Program Committee Member of 7th International Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology (ACSTY 2021).
‧ ICBDA 2021- Publicity Co-Chair of 2021 6th International Conference on Big Data Analytics (ICBDA 2021).
‧ SEAS 2021- Program Committee Member of 10th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (SEAS 2021).
‧ CFDSP 2021- Technical Committee Member of 2021 International Conference on Frontiers of Digital Signal Processing (CFDSP 2021).
‧ CSEE 2021- Technical Committee Member of 2021 2nd International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Education (CSEE 2021).
‧ ICCIoT 2021- Program Committee Member of the 2nd International Conference on Cloud and Internet of Things (ICCIoT 2021).
‧ BDEIM 2020- Conference Chair of 2020 International Conference on Big Data Economy and Information Management (BDEIM 2020).
‧ EBEE 2020- Conference Technical Committee Member of 2020 2nd International Conference on E-Business and E-commerce Engineering (EBEE 2020).
‧ VSIP 2020- Technical Committee Member of 2020 2nd International Conference on Video, Signal and Image Processing (VSIP 2020).
‧ JSE 2020- Program Committee Member of 9th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (JSE 2020).
‧ IoTE 2020- Program Committee Member of International Conference on Internet of Things & Embedded Systems (IoTE 2020).
‧ SAPSE 2020- Program Committee Member of 12th IEEE International Workshop on Security Aspects of Process and Services Engineering (SAPSE 2020) in conjunction with COMPSAC 2020.
‧ ICCC 2020- Technical Program Committee Member of 2020 IEEE 6th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC 2020).
‧ BIOTC 2020- Technical Committee Member of 2nd Blockchain and Internet of Things Conference (BIOTC 2020).
‧ ICCNS 2020- Technical Committee Member of 2020 the 10th International Conference on Communication and Network Security (ICCNS 2020).
‧ ICCT 2020- International Technical Committee Member of 2020 20th IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT 2020).
‧ ICCVDM 2020- Committee Member of The 2020 International Conference on Computer Vision and Data Mining (ICCVDM).
‧ SIGNAL 2020- Technical Program Committee Member of The Fifth International Conference on Advances in Signal, Image and Video Processing (SIGNAL 2020).
‧ ICAIS 2020- Technical Program Committee Member of The 6th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Security (ICAIS 2020).
‧ WBDE 2020- Conference Co-Chair of 2020 Workshop on Big Data Engineering (WBDE 2020).
‧ FCST 2020- Program Committee Member of the 8th International Conference on Foundations of Computer Science & Technology (FCST 2020).
‧ CSEE 2020- Technical Committee Member of 2020 International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Education (CSEE 2020).
‧ KES 2020- International Program Committee Member of The 24th KES International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems 2020 (KES 2020).
‧ ICCCS 2020- Technical Program Committee Member of 2020 5th International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems (ICCCS 2020).
‧ ICMSSP 2020- Publicity Chair of 2020 5th International Conference on Multimedia Systems and Signal Processing (ICMSSP 2020).
‧ CSSE 2020- Technical Program Committee Member of The 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE 2020).
‧ ASPAI 2020- International Program Committee Member of the Second International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence (ASPAI 2020).
‧ ICBDA 2020- Publicity Chair of the 5th International Conference on Big Data Analytics (ICBDA 2020).
‧ ITIOT 2020- Technical Committee Member of 2020 International Conference on Information Technology and Internet of Things (ITIOT 2020)
‧ ICISSP 2020- Program Committee Member of the International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2020).
‧ ICCSCT 2020- Technical Program Committee Member of The 4th International Conference on Computer Systems and Communication Technology (ICCSCT 2020).
‧ SAPSE 2019- Program Committee Member of 11th IEEE International Workshop on Security Aspects of Process and Services Engineering (SAPSE 2019) in conjunction with COMPSAC 2019.
‧ SICBS 2019- Program Committee Chair of The 3rd International Conference on Security with Intelligent Computing and Big-data Services (SICBS 2019).
‧ ICCC 2019- Technical Program Committee Member of 2019 IEEE 5th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC 2019).
‧ CloudComp 2019- Technical Program Committee Member of The 9th EAI International Conference on Cloud Computing (CloudComp 2019).
‧ CENet 2019- Keynote Speaker of The 9th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Network 2019 (CENet 2019).
‧ IIHMSP 2019- Keynote Speaker of The 15th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing 2019 (IIHMSP 2019).
‧ IWDW 2019- Technical Program Committee Member of 18th International Workshop on Digital-Forensics and Watermarking (IWDW 2019).
‧ ICCNS 2019- Conference Committee Member of 2019 the 9th International Conference on Communication and Network Security (ICCNS 2019).
‧ KES 2019- International Program Committee Member of The 23rd KES International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems 2019 (KES 2019).
‧ ICAIS 2019- Technical Program Committee Member of The 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Security (ICAIS 2019).
‧ ICETIS 2019- Committee Member of The 4th International Conference on Electronic Technology and Information Science (ICETIS 2019).
‧ SIGNAL 2019- Technical Program Committee Member of The Fourth International Conference on Advances in Signal, Image and Video Processing (SIGNAL 2019).
‧ ICBDA 2019- Session Chair of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Big Data Analytics (ICBDA 2019).
‧ ASPAI 2019- International Program Committee Member of the First International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence (ASPAI 2019).
‧ KESA 2019- Technical Program Committee Chair of The International Workshop on Knowledge Extraction and Semantic Annotation (KESA 2019) in conjunction with ALLDATA 2019.
‧ ICISSP 2019- Program Committee Member of the 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2019).
‧ ISCIPT 2019- Technical Program Committee Member of The 2019 4th International Symposium on Computer and Information Processing Technology (ISCIPT 2019).
‧ SICBS 2018- General Chair of The 2nd International Conference on Security with Intelligent Computing and Big-data Services (SICBS 2018).
‧ IWDW 2018- Technical Program Committee Member of 17th International Workshop on Digital-Forensics and Watermarking (IWDW 2018).
‧ ICCT 2018- International Technical Committee Member of 2018 18th IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT 2018).
‧ ITA 2018- Technical Program Committee Member of 5th Annual International Conference on Information Technology and Applications (ITA 2018).
‧ CSAE 2018- Technical Program Committee Member of The 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Application Engineering (CSAE 2018).
‧ ICCIP 2018- Technical Committee Member of 2018 2018 the 4th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP 2018).
‧ ISCME 2018- Technology Program Member of 2018 3rd International Seminar on Computer Technology, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (ISCME 2018).
‧ SAPSE 2018- Program Committee Member of 10th IEEE International Workshop on Security Aspects of Process and Services Engineering (SAPSE 2018) in conjunction with COMPSAC 2018.
‧ 2018 The first international Digital Tools & Uses Congress- International Scientific Committee Member of 2018 The first international Digital Tools & Uses Congress.
‧ ICMSSP 2018- Conference Chair of 2018 International Conference on Multimedia Systems and Signal Processing (ICMSSP 2018).
‧ ICBDC 2018- Conference Chair of 2018 International Conference on Big Data and Computing (ICBDC 2018) in conjunction with ICMSSP 2018.
‧ SIGNAL 2018- Technical Program Committee Member of The Third International Conference on Advances in Signal, Image and Video Processing (SIGNAL 2018).
‧ KESA 2018- Technical Program Committee Chair of The International Workshop on Knowledge Extraction and Semantic Annotation (KESA 2018) in conjunction with ALLDATA 2018.
‧ ICISSP 2018- Program Committee Member of the International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2018).
‧ SICBS'17- Program Committee Chair of The 2017 International Conference on Security with Intelligent Computing and Big-data Services (SICBS'17).
‧ ICCNS 2017- Technical Committee Member of 2017 the 7th International Conference on Communication and Network Security (ICCNS 2017).
‧ ICCTS 2017- Technical Program Committee Member of 2017 6th International Conference on Computer Technology and Science (ICCTS 2017).
‧ ICCCS 2017- Keynote Speaker of The 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Security (ICCCS 2017).
‧ ICCT 2017- International Technical Committee Member of 2017 17th IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT 2017).
‧ ICEDUIT 2017- Program Committee Member of 2017 2nd International Conference on Education and Information Technologies (ICEDUIT 2017).
‧ IWDW 2017- Technical Program Committee Member of 16th International Workshop on Digital-Forensics and Watermarking (IWDW 2017).
‧ ICWIP 2017- Conference Committee Member of 2017 International Conference on Watermarking and Image Processing (ICWIP 2017).
‧ TMCM 2017- International Scientific Committee Member of 2017 2nd International Conference on Test, Measurement and Computational Method (TMCM 2017).
‧ ICSIP 2017- Conference Technical Committee Member of 2017 2nd International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (ICSIP 2017).
‧ SAPSE 2017- Program Committee Member of 9th IEEE International Workshop on Security Aspects of Process and Services Engineering (SAPSE 2017) in conjunction with COMPSAC 2017.
‧ ICMSSP 2017- Conference Chair of 2017 International Conference on Multimedia Systems and Signal Processing (ICMSSP 2017).
‧ CST2017- Technical Program Committee Member of The 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Technology (CST 2017).
‧ SIGNAL 2017- Technical Program Committee Member of The First International Conference on Advances in Signal, Image and Video Processing (SIGNAL 2017).
‧ KESA 2017- Technical Program Committee Chair of The International Workshop on Knowledge Extraction and Semantic Annotation (KESA 2017) in conjunction with ALLDATA 2017.
‧ ICISSP 2017- Program Committee Member of the International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2017).
‧ IWSBT 2016- Program Committee Chair of International Workshop on Secure Biometric Technologies (IWSBT 2016).
‧ CSCT 2016- International Technical Committee Member of Computer Science and Communication Technology (CSCT2016).
‧ 2INTECH 2016- Advisory Committee Member of The 2'nd International Conference on Intelligent Information Technology (2INTECH 2016).
‧ GDC 2016- Program Committee Member of The 2016 Conference on Grid and Distributed Computing (GDC 2016).
‧ IWDW 2016- Session Chair of 15th International Workshop on Digital-Forensics and Watermarking (IWDW 2016).
‧ IWDW 2016- Program Committee Member of 15th International Workshop on Digital-Forensics and Watermarking (IWDW 2016).
‧ ICMSSP 2016- Keynote Speaker of 2016 International Conference on Multimedia Systems and Signal Processing (ICMSSP 2016).
‧ TSA 2016- Program Committee Member of Third International Conference on Trustworthy Systems and Their Applications (TSA 2016).
‧ Workshop on Cryptography and Information Security of ICS 2016- Program Committee Member of Workshop on Cryptography and Information Security 2016 in conjunction with ICS 2016.
‧ ICNISC 2016- Keynote Speaker of 2nd Annual International Conference on Network and Information Systems for Computers (ICNISC 2016).
‧ ICCCS 2016- Technical Program Committee Member of The 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Security (ICCCS 2016).
‧ SAPSE 2016- Program Committee Member of 8th IEEE International Workshop on Security Aspects of Process and Services Engineering (SAPSE 2016) in conjunction with COMPSAC 2016.
‧ SIGNAL 2016- Technical Program Committee Member of The First International Conference on Advances in Signal, Image and Video Processing (SIGNAL 2016).
‧ JCKE 2016 1st- Technical Committee Member of JCKE 2016 1st (2016 1st Journal Conference on Knowledge Engineering).
‧ ICISSP 2016- Program Committee Member of The International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2016).
‧ WCSN 2015- Co-Chair of 2nd International Conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor Network (WCSN 2015).
‧ GDC 2015- Program Committee Member of The 2015 Conference on Grid and Distributed Computing (GDC 2015).
‧ SITIS 2015- Program Committee Member of The 11th International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet Based Systems (SITIS 2015).
‧ 3PGCIC 2015- Program Committee Member of 10th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC 2015).
‧ TSA 2015- Program Committee Member of Second International Conference on Trustworthy Systems and Their Applications (TSA 2015).
‧ CoHeB 2015- Program Committee Member of International Workshop on Collaboration Technologies and Systems in Healthcare and Biomedical Fields (CoHeB 2015) in conjunction with CTS 2015.
‧ IWDW 2015- Program Committee Member of 14th International Workshop on Digital-Forensics and Watermarking (IWDW 2015).
‧ SAPSE 2015- Program Committee Member of 7th IEEE International Workshop on Security Aspects of Process and Services Engineering (SAPSE 2015) in conjunction with COMPSAC 2015.
‧ ICISSP 2015- Program Committee Member of The International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2015).
‧ CEEIT 2015- International Technical Committee Member of 2015 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (CEEIT 2015).
‧ GDC 2014- Program Committee Member of The 2014 Conference on Grid and Distributed Computing (GDC 2014).
‧ CSEIT 2014- Program Committee Member of International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology (CSEIT 2014).
‧ IWDW 2014- General Chair of 13th International Workshop on Digital-Forensics and Watermarking (IWDW 2014).
‧ ADCO 2014- Program Committee Member of International Conference on Advanced Computing (ADCO 2014).
‧ICCIA 2014- Session Chair of The 2014 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Applications (ICCIA 2014).
‧ICCIA 2014- Technical Committee Member of The 2014 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Applications (ICCIA 2014).
‧SITIS 2014- Program Committee Member of The 10th International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet Based Systems (SITIS 2014).
‧ ICT 2014- Session Chair of International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies (ICT 2014).
‧ EICE 2014- Technical Program Committee Member of International Conference on Electrical, Instrumentation and Control Engineering (EICE 2014).
‧ CoHeB 2014- Program Committee Member of International Workshop on Collaboration Technologies and Systems in Healthcare and Biomedical Fields (CoHeB 2014) in conjunction with CTS 2014.
‧ CEEIT 2014- International Technical Committee Member of 2014 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (CEEIT 2014). ‧SITIS 2013- Program Committee Member of The 9th International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet Based Systems (SITIS 2013). ‧GDC 2013- Program Committee Member of The 2013 Conference on Grid and Distributed Computing (GDC 2013). ‧ IIH-MSP 2013- Special Session Chair on Visual Cryptography and Secret Image Sharing in conjunction with Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP 2013). ‧ EUC 2013- Program Committee Member of The 11th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC 2013). ‧ UMAS 2013- General Chair of 2013 International Symposium on Research in Ubiquitous and Multimedia Application Systems (UMAS 2013) in conjunction with NPC 2013. ‧ CoHeB 2013- Program Committee Member of International Workshop on Collaboration Technologies and Systems in Healthcare and Biomedical Fields (CoHeB 2013) in conjunction with CTS 2013. ‧ WCNC 2013- Technical Program Committee Member of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2013).
‧ CRC 2012- Program Committee Member of International Workshop on Cloud Computing for Research Collaborations (CRC 2012) in conjunction with IEEE CloudCom 2012.
‧ ICS 2012- Program Committee Chair of International Computer Symposiums (ICS 2012).
‧ Workshop on Cryptography and Information Security 2012- Program Committee Co-Chair of Workshop on Cryptography and Information Security 2012 in conjunction with ICS 2012.
‧ UMAS 2012- General Chair of 2012 International Symposium on Research in Ubiquitous and Multimedia Application Systems (UMAS 2012) in conjunction with NPC 2012.
‧ GDC 2012- Program Committee Member of The 2012 Conference on Grid and Distributed Computing.
‧ iiWAS2012- Program Committee Member of 14th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2012).
‧ WPS 2012- Program Committee Co-Chair of the 5th FTRA International Workshop on Web and Pervasive Security (WPS 2012) in conjunction with CSA 2012.
‧ ACSA 2011- Session Chair of 2011 FTRA International Symposium on Advances in Cryptography, Security and Applications for Future Computing (ACSA-11).
‧ ICITIS2011- Session Chair of 2011 IEEE International Conference on Information Theory and Information Security.
‧ IPCV 2011- Session Chair of International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition (IPCV 2011)) in conjunction with WORLDCOMP 2011.
‧ GDC 2011- Program Committee Member of The 2011 Conference on Grid and Distributed Computing.
‧ 2011 International Workshop on Network & System Security- Program Committee Member of the workshop in Conjunction with IEEE ICPADS 2011.
‧ ICITIS2011- Program Committee Member of 2011 IEEE International Conference on Information Theory and Information Security.
‧ iiWAS2011- Program Committee Member of 13th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2011).
‧ CSO 2011- Program Committee Member of Fourth International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization
‧ CHINACOMM 2011- Program Committee Member of 6th International ICST Conference on Communications and Networking in China
‧ ICIC 2011- Program Committee Member of 2011 International Conference on Intelligent Computing ‧ iiWAS2010- Program Committee Member of 12th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2010) ‧ BIFE 2010- Program Committee Member of 2010 International Conference on Business Intelligence and Financial Engineering ‧ ICIC 2010- Program Committee Member of 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Computing ‧ GPC2010- Publication Chair of 2010 5th International Conference on Grid Pervasive Computing
‧ ITA 2009- Session Chair of the 2009 International Symposium on IT and its Applications (ITA-09) in conjunction with IEEE CSA 2009
‧ ISSR2009- Session Chair of IEEE International Workshop on Security in e-Science and e-Research (ISSR2009) in conjunction with IEEE ISPA2009. ‧ MPIS 2009- Program Committee Member of the Second International Workshop on Multimedia, Information Privacy and Intelligent Computing Systems in conjunction with CSA 2009 ‧ ICPADS'09- Program Committee Member of Security and Trustworthy Computing for The Fifteenth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems ‧ BIFE 2009- Program Committee Member of 2009 International Conference on Business Intelligence and Financial Engineering ‧ FIP 2009- Program Committee Member of 2009 International Symposium on Financial Information Processing ‧ ICIC 2009- Program Committee Member of 2009 International Conference on Intelligent Computing ‧ JWIS 2009- Program Committee Member of 2009 Joint Workshop on Information Security ‧ Inscrypt 2008- Session Chair of 2008 International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology ‧ MPIS 2008- Program Committee Member of The First International Workshop on Multimedia, Information Privacy and Intelligent Computing Systems in conjunction with IEEE APSCC 2008 ‧ CLD 2008- Program Committee Member of ACM International Workshop on Cross Layer Design ‧ ICIC 2008- Program Committee Member of 2008 International Conference on Intelligent Computing ‧ ICIC 2007- Program Committee Member of 2007 International Conference on Intelligent Computing
111年: FEE: 以快速健康照護互操作性資源(FHIR)及以太坊(ETH)完成具資料完整性的電子病歷資料庫(EMR)
110年: 線下至線上小額付款: 實作智能合约完成較少以太坊Gas成本的線上小額付款機制
109年: 以區塊鏈及去中心化儲存IPFS與Swarm建置的校園畢業證書發放系統
107年: (1)以區塊鏈建置學分幣完成公平的校園選課系統
106年: (1)植基於數位符水印的圖像密碼系統研究
105年: 植基於Google Map的一次性圖形密碼
103年: 多階層安全的Google Map圖形密碼系統
102年: (1)植基於Google雲端訊息推播技術的行動認證機制
101年: 增強植基於Google Map圖形密碼系統的安全
100年: 行動裝置資訊隱藏應用程式"畫中有話"之開發
99年: (1)以DE2-70開發具安全密碼認證可分享相片的觸控式數位相框
98年: 等比例式的秘密影像分享實作
97年: 植基於SiB與QR Code之無線網路存取認證
96年: 植基於二維行動條碼之校園小額付費系統
95年: 植基於CAPTCHA 技術之電子商務廣告點擊詐欺防制機制
94年: 應用RFID技術於電腦教室之滑鼠使用權限與網路存取控管
畢業校友 |
吳宗霖 |
兩種新式的視覺密碼機制:視覺式多重秘密分享和彩色視覺式秘密分享 |
Two New Visual Cryptography Schemes: Visual Multi-Secrets Sharing Scheme And Colored Visual Secret Sharing Scheme |
梁蘊翔 | 非擴張的視覺式秘密分享及動態的視覺式秘密分享技術之研究 |
A Study Of Non-Expansible And Motion Picture Visual Secret Sharing Schemes |
畢業校友 |
周萬祥 | 可寫一次光碟防竄改保護技術之研究 |
Detection Of Tampering In Noisy Environment For Write-Once Optical Disks |
鄧旭敦 | 植基於數位傳輸內容保護標準的兩項研究議題: 設計具備安全認證機制的隨選視訊和會議金鑰之通訊協定 |
Implementation Of Secure Video On Demand System And Conference Key Establishment Based On Digital Trandmission Content Protection | ||||||
畢業校友 |
郭振欽 | 無線網路WEP-like系統已知IV攻擊法的增強研究 | ||||
Enhancement of Known IV Attack for WEP-like Systems | ||||||
孫維婕 | 新型非二元聽覺式秘密分享系統 |
New Nonbinary Audio Secret Sharing Schemes |
鄭琮元 | 不變動IV和秘密金鑰長度下讓IEEE 802.11b 無線網路協定抵抗keystream重複使用攻擊以及己知IV攻擊 | |||||
Enhanced Wireless IEEE 802.11b Protocols Resistant to the Keystream Reuse Attack and Known IV Attack | ||||||
畢業校友 |
林曉偉 |
資料探勘技術應用於網路入侵偵測特徵值搜尋之研究 |
Data Mining Techniques For Signature Search In Network Intrusion Detection |
陳國詔 |
以不效效保護碼在隱藏學加密過程中防止錯誤擴散之技術研究 | |||||
Error Spreading Control In Steganographic Embedding Scheme Based On UEP Codes |
簡銘宏 |
視覺秘密分享技術應用在二維條碼嵌入私密訊息之研究 | |||||
Embed Additional Private Information Into Two-Dimensional Bar Codes Based Cards By Using The Visual Secret Sharing Scheme | ||||||
陳坤男 |
使用霍夫曼樹建立具實用性的憑證廢止機制 | |||||
A Practical Certificate Revocation Scheme By Using Huffman Tree | ||||||
畢業校友 |
陳澤世 (博士生) |
具有較小子影像的視覺密碼研究 Visual Cryptography Schemes with Small Shadow Size |
呂秉霖 | 可容錯誤與共謀攻擊的指紋碼之溯演算法的改進 | |||||
Enhanced Tracing Algorithms For Random-Error-Resilient Collusion-Secure Fingerprinting codes | ||||||
朱書玄 | 一個簡單且有效率的單量子金鑰交換協定和對於 Kak 量子交換協定的攻擊 | |||||
A Simple And Efficient Quantum Dense Key Distribution Protocol Using Single Polarized Photon And The Failure of Kak Quantum Key Distribution Protocol | ||||||
吳胤鋒 | RS 碼在 IP 路徑回溯上的應用 | |||||
Reed-Solomon code Marking Scheme For IP Traceback | ||||||
丁士峯 | 新一代無線網路通訊安全定 TKIP 的破密分析 | |||||
Cryptanalysis Of The Key Mixing Function In TKIP | ||||||
畢業校友 |
李東璟 |
新型有效率的無二階頻譜成份的平衡碼設計 Design Of Some New Efficient Second-Order Spectral-Null Codes |
林宗 |
植基於小額付款技術之行動隨意網路的封包計費機制 Packet Pricing In Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Based On Micropayment Scheme |
歐陽金福 |
無需信賴第三者的影像分享、隱藏認證機制 Steganography and Authentication Image Sharing Scheme Without Trusted Third Party |
王鐘諄 |
以反相運算達成完美對比之視覺式秘密分享機制 Real Perfect Contrast Visual Secret Sharing Schemes With Reversing |
余崑玄 |
秘密影像分享機制:可顯示秘密子影像及可預覽秘密影像的兩種機制之研究 Secret Image Sharing: User-Friendly And Preview-Secret Schemes |
畢業校友 |
彭安國 |
具偏移容忍性之視覺式秘密分享系統 Reducing the Alignment Problem of Visual Secret Sharing Scheme Using Two-Sized Subpixels |
陳潔如 |
應用無線射頻認證技術之紙鈔防偽機制 Enhancing Privacy and Security in RFID Banknote Protection Scheme |
蕭輔中 |
植基於影像分佈統計之快速指紋分類 Fast Fingerprint Classification Based on Normalized Histogram Statistic |
畢業校友 |
蘇嘉興 |
多階層安全的無線感測網路金鑰分配機制 A Multilevel Secure Key Predistribution Scheme in Sensor Networks |
張仕翰 |
基於空間填充曲線之像素差異資訊隱藏技術 A New Pixel-Value Differencing Steganography Scheme Based on Space Filling Curve |
畢業校友 |
鄭順友 |
結合RFID(電子通道)與二維條碼技術(光接觸通道)於防追蹤之產品保證書機制 Combining RFID and Two-Dimensional Barcode Effectively for Privacy Protection in Warranty Service Information System |
邱志揚 |
Efficient Second-Order Spectral-Null Codes Based on the New Pigeon Home Principle |
楊燿宇 |
New Extended Visual Cryptography Schemes with Clearer Shadow Images |
黃信銘 |
新型的(k, n)比例式秘密影像分享機制
A New k-out-of-n Scalable Secret Image Sharing Scheme |
葉國勤 |
New XOR-Based Image Secret Sharing in Halftone Images with Difference Minimization Using Block-wise Operation |
邱垂邦 |
具有無失真恢復以及預覽雙重解碼功能的秘密影像分享 Image Secret Sharing Method with Two-Decoding-Options: LosslessRecovery and Previewing Capability |
畢業校友 |
駱彥宏 |
High-Capacity Reversible Data Hiding in JPEG Images |
莊偉德 |
MSRC:(M)icropayment (S)cheme with Ability to (R)eturn (C)hange |
龔郁晴 |
A NEW Adaptive Qurey Tree on Resolving RFID Tag Collision |
鍾庭顥 |
新型的(k, n )多秘密視覺密碼
A New (k,n) Multi-secret Visual Cryptography |
吳根丞 |
行動商務安全評估及新型憑證的設計 Security Evaluation and New Certificate Design for Mobile commerce |
畢業校友 |
何駿彥 |
無線射頻標籤防碰撞機制的研究 RFID Tag Anti-Collision Protocols |
朱瑀瑩 |
具有等比例特性的 (k, n) 比例式秘密影像分享機制
A General (k, n) Scalable Secret Image Sharing Scheme with the Smooth Scalability |
陳品維 |
以影像濾波及調整大小技術完成縱橫比不變之視覺式秘密分享 Aspect Ration Invariant Visual Cryptography by Image Filtering and Resizing |
李佳候 |
RFID Reader Anti-Collision Protocols |
林子揚 |
不需附加位元的無二階頻譜成份的平衡碼 Encoding/Decoding for Second-Order Spectral-Null Codes without Appended Bits |
畢業校友 |
石翔文 |
(k, n) 累進式的視覺密碼機制 k out of n Region Incrementing Scheme in Visual Cryptography |
胡立人 |
Query Tree Algorithm for RFID Tag with Binary-Coded Decimal EPC |
吳宗育 |
以暱稱組成與行為模式為基礎的IRC殭屍網路偵測 IRC-Based Botnet Detection Using Nickname Pattern and Command Behavior |
吳佳翰 |
A Hybrid Distortion/Distortionless Medical Image Compression |
廖本諭 |
植基於ROI/RONI的醫學影像資訊隱藏技術 ROI/RONI Based data hiding for Medical Image |
畢業校友 |
林易青 |
Cheating Immune Block-based Progressive Visual Cryptography |
賴家斌 |
Protecting Data Privacy and Security for Cloud Computing Based on Secret Sharing |
葉柏函 |
Reducing Shadow Size in Scalable Secret Image Sharing |
蔣敬瑋 |
A Study of Key Agreement Protocols for Secure Group Communication |
周志維 |
植基於Blakey機制的秘密影像分享 Secret Image Sharing based on Blakley's Scheme |
畢業校友 |
吳志成 (博士生) |
Visual Cryptography and Secret Image Sharing |
張維仁 | 不需儲存排列影像金鑰之秘密影像分享機制 | |||||
Secret Image Sharing without Keeping Permutation Key | ||||||
林哲佑 | 縱橫比幾乎不變之視覺密碼機制 | |||||
Almost Aspect Ratio Invariant Visual Cryptography Scheme | ||||||
謝祈樂 | 植基於最大距離可分離碼的秘密影像分享機制 | |||||
Secret Image Sharing Schemes by Using Maximum Distance Separable Codes | ||||||
陳政樺 | 增強植基於布林運算多秘密影像分享機制的安全 | |||||
Enhancing Security of Boolean-Based Multi-Secret Imgae Sharing Scheme | ||||||
畢業校友 |
蔡松叡 | 再探布林運算型態的視覺密碼 | ||||
Revisiting Boolean-Operation Based Visual Cryptography | ||||||
孫立哲 | 分享黑白影像之延伸式彩色視覺密碼機制 | |||||
Extended Color Visual Cryptography for Black and White Secret Image | ||||||
董子嘉 | 不需排列影像金鑰之彩色轉換視覺密碼機制 | |||||
Color Transfer Visual Cryptographic Scheme without Permutation Key | ||||||
畢業校友 |
吳致翰 | 3-out-of-n 防欺騙之視覺密碼 | ||||
3-out-of-n Cheating Prevention Visual Cryptography | ||||||
廖榮國 | 任意權限之視覺密碼 | |||||
Visual Cryptography with Arbitrary Privilege Levels | ||||||
武輔恆 | 以最簡連通圖擴大認證影像之視覺密碼 | |||||
A New Minimum Connected Graph for Enlarging Verification Image in Visual Cryptography | ||||||
畢業校友 |
許勝傑 | 植基於影像插值運算技術之資訊隱藏機制 | ||||
Data Hiding Schemes Using Image Interpolation Technique | ||||||
陳祉霏 | 可減少運算的增強型線上電子支票 | |||||
An Enhanced on-line Electronic Check with Reduction of Computation | ||||||
葉宗軒 | 植基於調色盤的 (2, 2) 數位影像分享機制 | |||||
A 2-out-of 2 sharing digital image scheme using color palate | ||||||
畢業校友 |
周詠順 | 植基於漢明碼與像素重疊的資料隱藏機制 | ||||
Data Hiding Schemes Based on Hamming Code and Pixel Overlapping Approach | ||||||
李堅銘 | 分散式雲端網路之秘密影像分享 | |||||
Secret Image Sharing over Distributed Cloud Network | ||||||
周咏蒨 | 植基於AMBTC的(k, n)可逆式視覺密碼 | |||||
(k, n) Reversible AMBTC-based Visual Cryptography | ||||||
畢業校友 |
林欣尚 | 使用MSD方法的高容量資料隱藏機制 | ||||
High-Capacity Data Hiding Scheme by Using MSD Method | ||||||
吳啟銘 | 植基於調色盤的(n, n)數位影像分享機制 | |||||
n-out-of-n Digital Image Sharing Scheme Based on Color Palette | ||||||
吳嵩裕 | 高偽裝影像品質與高容量的部分可逆式資料隱藏 | |||||
Partial Reversible Data Hiding with High Stego-image Quality and Embedding Capacity | ||||||
莊佾庭 | 以模除計算提升影像品質的秘密影像分享機制 | |||||
Enhancing Image Quality in Secret Image Sharing Based on Modular Arithmetic | ||||||
畢業校友 |
林定儒 | 植基於雜湊鏈的無線感測網路金鑰分配機制 | ||||
Hash Chain Based Key Pre-distribution Wireless Sensor Network | ||||||
陳怡誠 | 門檻值可變的k out of n 漸進式秘密影像分享機制 | |||||
Threshold Changeable (k, n) Progressive Secret Image Share Scheme | ||||||
楊嶧昀 | 使用更改及重算策略提升影像品質的秘密影像分享 | |||||
Enhancing Image Quality in Secret Image Sharing by Modify-and-Recalculate Strategy | ||||||
畢業校友 |
劉彥緯 | 最小像素差的漢明碼之部分可逆式資料隱藏機制 | ||||
Partial Reversible Data Hiding by Minimum-Pixel-Difference Hamming Code | ||||||
林軒宇 | 植基於同態特性的多項式組間和組內秘密影像分享機制 | |||||
Homomorphic Polynomial Based Intragroup and Intergroup Secret Image Sharing | ||||||
高崇倫 | 提高二維雜湊鏈無線感測網路金鑰分配機制的安全性與效率 | |||||
Enhancement of Two-dimensional Hash Chain Key Predistribution Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network | ||||||
畢業校友 |
鍾旻融 | 改進具糾錯能力之視覺密碼的信息攜帶量和解碼複雜度 | ||||
Enhancement of Information Carrying and Decoding for Visual Cryptography with Error Correction | ||||||
蔡宏武 | 結合資料隱藏與視覺密碼以安全擷取隱藏之資訊 | |||||
A Combination of Data Hiding with Visual Cryptography for Secure Extraction of Data Hiding | ||||||
蔡博宇 | 有意義子影像的(k, n)秘密文件分享機制 | |||||
A (k, n) Secret Document Sharing with Meaningful Shares | ||||||
李昱辰 | 物聯網環境中具驗證和糾錯的漸進式秘密影像分享機制 | |||||
Progressive Secret Image Sharing with Authentication and Error Correction in Internet of Things Environment | ||||||
畢業校友 |
黃擴增 | 提高信息攜帶量的二合一秘密影像分享 | ||||
Information Carrying Capacity Enhancement for Two-in-One Secret Image Sharing | ||||||
郭新拳 | 具有特權集合的秘密影像分享及其應用 | |||||
Secret Image Sharing with Privileged Set And It’s Applications | ||||||
呂明展 | 可克服參與者不誠實的秘密影像分享機制 | |||||
Secret Image Sharing Scheme with Overcoming Participant Dishonesty | ||||||
鄭承恩 | 使用多質數模除計算的高影像品質及漸進式解密的秘密影像分享 | |||||
High-Quality And Progressive Secret Image Sharing By Using Multi-Prime Modular Arithmetic | ||||||
李育昇 | 使用簡單模除運算的Base64資料分享機制 | |||||
Secret Base64 Data Sharing Scheme by Simple Modular Arithmetic | ||||||
古庭菘 | 無線感測網路組內和組間的密鑰分配機制 | |||||
Intragroup and Intergroup Key Distribution Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks | ||||||
畢業校友 |
薛浩辰 | 使用直接鏈路減少無線感測網路的能源消耗 | ||||
Reducing Energy Consumption of Wireless Sensor Networks by Using Direct Links | ||||||
程湘涵 | 使用區塊鏈及秘密分享於指數運算的多數據資料庫權限控管 | |||||
Multiple Database Authorization by Blockchain and Secret Sharing on Exponent | ||||||
林泓毅 | 基於雙向雜湊鏈的無線感測網路密鑰預分配 | |||||
Bidirectional Hash Chain Based Key Pre-distribution for Wireless Sensor Networks | ||||||
曾誌嶽 | 提高量子密鑰分配的信息協調效率 | |||||
Enhancing Information Reconciliation Efficiency for Quantum Key Distribution | ||||||
劉書宇 | |||||
游博丞 | ||||||
呂宇泉 | ||||||
游洲鈐 | |||||
許廷綸 | ||||||
謝宗智 | ||||||